
[介绍] 适合中学生寒假阅读的英文原版小说


迈克尔·莫波格(Michael Morpurgo) ,著名小说《战马》(War horse)的作者。英国最受欢迎的儿童文学作家之一。1943年出生于英国的赫特福德郡,曾在伦敦、苏塞克斯和坎特伯雷等地求学,随后进入伦敦大学国王学院学习英语和法语。毕业后,他进入一所位于肯特郡的小学担任教师,在每天为孩子们讲故事的过程中发现了自己文学创作的天赋。
  迄今为止,莫波格已创作了百余部儿童文学作品,获奖无数,多部作品被改编为电影、电视剧、舞台剧和歌剧。1999年,他与诗人泰德·休斯(Ted Hughes)一起创办了每两年评选一次的“儿童桂冠作家”计划,并成为此称号的第三位获得者。2006年,他凭借在文学领域的贡献被授予大英帝国军官勋章。
    Michael Morpurgo有关战争题材的小说,感人至深的,他虽然被冠以童书作家,但是成人读起来并不觉得他的童书浅,甚至还有点深。《War Horse》和《Private Peaceful》已拍成电影。

It Never Rained: Five Stories (1974)
Living Poets (compiler with Clifford Simmons) (1974)
Long Way Home (1975)
Thatcher Jones (1975)
The Story-Teller (compiler with Graham Barrett) (1976)
Friend or Foe (1977)
Do All You Dare (1978)
What Shall We Do with It? (1978)
All Around the Year (with Ted Hughes) (1979)
Love at First Sight (1979)
That's How (1979)
The Day I Took the Bull By the Horn (1979)
The Ghost-Fish (1979)
The Marble Crusher and Other Stories (1980)
The Nine Lives of Montezuma (1980)
Miss Wirtle's Revenge (1981)
The White Horse of Zennor: And Other Stories from below the Eagle's Nest (1982)
War Horse (1982)
Twist of Gold (1983)
Little Foxes (1984)
Why the Whales Came (1985)
Words of Songs (libretto, music by Phyllis Tate) (1985)
Tom's Sausage Lion (1986)
Conker (1987)
Jo-Jo, the Melon Monkey (1987)
King of the Cloud Forests (1988)
Mossop's Last Chance (with Shoo Rayner) (1988)
My Friend Walter (1988)
Albertine, Goose Queen (with Shoo Rayner) (1989)
Mr. Nobody's Eyes (1989)
Jigger's Day Off (with Shoo Rayner) (1990)
Waiting for Anya (1990)
And Pigs Might Fly! (with Shoo Rayner) (1991)
Colly's Barn (1991)
The Sandman and the Turtles (1991)
Martians at Mudpuddle Farm (with Shoo Rayner) (1992)
The King in the Forest (1993)
The War of Jenkins' Ear (1993)
Arthur, High King of Britain (1994)
Snakes and Ladders (1994)
The Dancing Bear (1994)
Blodin the Beast (1995)
Mum's the Word (with Shoo Rayner) (1995)
Stories from Mudpuddle Farm (with Shoo Rayner) (1995)
Robin of Sherwood (1996)
Sam's Duck (1996)
The Butterfly Lion (1996)
The Ghost of Grania O'Malley (1996)
Farm Boy (1997)
Cockadoodle-doo, Mr Sultana! (1998)
Escape from Shangri-La (1998)
Joan of Arc (1998)
Red Eyes at Night (1998)
Wartman (1998)
Kensuke's Kingdom (1999)
The Rainbow Bear (1999)
Wombat Goes Walkabout (1999)
Billy the Kid (2000)
Black Queen (2000)
Dear Olly (2000)
From Hereabout Hill (2000)
The Silver Swan (2000)
More Muck and Magic (2001)
Out of the Ashes (2001)
Toro! Toro! (2001)
Cool! (2002)
Mr. Skip (2002)
The Last Wolf (2002)
The Sleeping Sword (2002)
Gentle Giant (2003)
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight (2004)
I Believe in Unicorns (2005)
The Amazing Story of Adolphus Tips (2005)
Albatross (2006)
It's a Dog's Life (2006)
Alone on a Wide, Wide Sea (2006)
Born to Run (2007)

      我家小朋友读过他的好几本书,《kensuke's Kingdom》《War Horse》,《Arthur High king of Britain》,《Sleeping Sword》,《Friend or Foe》最近刚读了《Alone on a wide wide sea》,说是很好看,我翻了一下,文字比较通俗,不是很难,推荐给有一定英语基础又喜欢英语阅读的初中生。.


Garth Nix (加斯·尼克斯)was born on a Saturday in Melbourne, Australia. He has won the Aurealis Awards for Best Fantasy Novel, Best Young Adult Novel, and Best Children's Novel. His novels include Sabriel, Lirael, Abhorsen, Shade's Children, and The Ragwitch, as well as the books in The Seventh Tower series and the first five books of The Keys to the Kingdom, Mister Monday, Grim Tuesday, Drowned Wednesday, Sir Thursday, and Lady Friday.

The Key to the Kingdom系列的五本书,我看了一下,京东上都买得到。
Mister Monday
For use in schools and libraries only. Arthur Penhaligon's life is saved by a key shaped like the minute hand of a clock. A stranger named Mister Monday, his avenging messengers with blood-stained wings, and an army of dog-faced Fetchers will stop at nothing to get the key back.

Grim Tuesday
Second title in Garth Nix's gripping new fantasy adventure series. Arthur Penhaligon didn't think he would ever have to return to the strange house that nearly killed him on Monday -- the house that contains a fantastical and sinister realm inside. But the next day brings new challenges -- in the form of an enemy named Grim Tuesday, who threatens the safety of both Arthur's family and his world. Arthur must retrieve the Second Key from Grim Tuesday in order to save everything -- an adventure that will force him to steal a Sunship, survive a very weird work camp, befriend a bearlike spirit and fight the void Nithlings. Even after all that, he will still have to venture into the scary Far Reaches for an ultimate showdown.

Drowned Wednesday
Arthur Penhaligon has a broken leg and a bad attack of asthma, but there's no time for recovery. Drowned Wednesday has sent a ship to pluck him from the safety of his bed, miles from any ocean, and sail him back to the House. From hospital room to the high seas, Arthur must battle pirates, storms, monsters made of Nothing and a vast beast that can't stop eating. Arthur struggles to unravel the mystery of the Architect's disappearance, and the plotting of the Trustees. For the sake of all that dwell in the Secondary realms, he must discover the third part of the Will and claim the Third Key. But first... can Arthur trust the Raised Rats? Where are Leaf and Suzy? And how will he survive life aboard ship on the treacherous Border Sea? Drowned Wednesday is the third book in the Keys to the Kingdom series

Sir Thursday
Following their adventures in the Border Sea, Arthur and Leaf head for home. But only Leaf gets through the Front Door. Arthur is blocked because someone or something has assumed his identity and is taking over his life.
Before Arthur can take action, he is drafted by Sir Thursday and forced to join the Glorious Army of the Architect. The Army has its headquarters in the Great Maze, a defensive area of the House. Half of the Maze has already been dissolved by Nothing, and hordes of Nithlings emerge regularly to attack the rest. If the Nithling invasion can overcome the Army and the Great Maze, the House will be lost and the whole universe destroyed.
While Leaf tries to banish Arthur's doppelganger on Earth, Arthur must survive his basic training, avoid getting posted to the Front and work out how he can free Part Four of the Will and gain the Fourth Key from Sir Thursday.

Lady Friday.
Four of the seven Trustees have been defeated and their Keys taken, but for Arthur, the week is still getting worse. Suzy Blue and Fred Gold Numbers have been captured by the Piper, and his New Nithling army still controls most of the Great Maze. Superior Saturday is causing trouble wherever she can, including turning off all the elevators in the House and blocking the Front Door. Amidst all this trouble, Arthur must weigh an offer from Lady Friday that is either a cunning trap for the Rightful Heir or a golden opportunity he must seize - before he's beaten to it!.


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