
Never Give Up

Never Give Up

Do you know Mr. Churchill?  Yes, he was Former prime minister of United Kingdom, and he was also a well-known orator.  It was at a graduation ceremony in Cambridge University that Mr. Churchill made his last speech in his whole life.  There were over ten thousand students sitting in the auditorium.  They were waiting for the great man to come.  Mr. Churchill arrived on time accompanied by the assistant.  He entered the hall and walked towards the stage slowly.  At the stage, Mr. Churchill took off his coat and cap, looked at the audience silently.  After One minute, he said: “Never Give Up!”  And then, he put on his coat and cap, left the hall.  After that, the silent hall burst into thunderous applause.  It might be the simplest speech in the world history.  At that moment, all the students were deeply shocked by his simple and powerful words.  They could remember clearly that the British people won the Second World War with the such kind of spirit.  Churchill told us a truth with his successful experience in his whole life, that is: there is no secret of success, the only way to succeed is to persist and never give up.

[ 本帖最后由 jimmy妈咪 于 2010-5-20 09:07 编辑 ].


原帖由 viviancao 于 2010-6-30 13:25 发表
Never give up is also my motto. And there is another: I know I can.
If you think you can, you can..

