
How do you deal with Rumor Mill if there is one in your office?

How do you deal with Rumor Mill if there is one in your office?

The very complex interpersonal relationships might seem very, very far from you and your exprience, and you might ask yourself why should i care about them. If there is a rumor mill around, how can you possibly ignore it ? It might be  the flowering of office. Whatever it is now nobody knows who will be the next character on the gossip columns, and what would be to an extent the next week. I just can't bear it the rumor monger, could you guys stop being so....pathetic?

[ 本帖最后由 Emerald 于 2009-7-3 09:53 编辑 ].


I found the ones who enjoy passing on rumors are one-a-hole with a servere attitunal problem, absolutely..

