
I want to take this amphibian coach!!!

Did you ever see James bond series, I don't remember exactly which episode it is, but I am sure it is Pierce Brosnan act in it, there is an amphibian car, with buoyant beneath, and with air ejection pad thus can fly as well, your son will like it for sure, James Bond is the fairy tale for every man..


how about this? this one is called squba car shown on the Geneva car show last year, the slogan of this car is""is it a car? or maybe submarine"
the idea comes from 007 series James bond's silver BMW car,
actually, every car in 007 movie are splendid, some of them eqipped with self-direction motar, some take invisible technology, they are all breath-taking gadget.
if you got a son, you definitely would like to show him the wonderful side of macho man's life

[ 本帖最后由 nice妈妈 于 2009-3-31 18:54 编辑 ].


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