
How to judge that you fall in love?

hey, ladies, listen up!

the only person I am in love with is myself, whenever I am alone, I would be thinking about myself. The way I look, the things I did, the dreams I had........narcissism?  Maybe, but it feels good....


原帖由 Emerald 于 2009-3-27 09:24 发表
Yes We should love ourselves always.
but one thing I never expected is that I did not know I could love someone else more than myself.  After my son was born, all my life changed.

Maybe my boy is part of me, which is why I love him more than myself. So, literally, I am still loving myself more than anyone else.

[ 本帖最后由 loveneverdies 于 2009-3-27 16:56 编辑 ].

