
hit the floor

hit the floor

i'd like to translate an article from <Qingnian Wenzhai> as below -

One night in a hotel at Las Vegas, an old lady won a basket of 25 cents coins from fruit machine, she wanted to put the coins in her room before dinner, so she waited for the lift at hotel lobby.

When the lift door was opened, she saw two black guy inside, and one of them was really a giant. She was so scared to step into the lift, wonderring these guys probably wanted to rob her...she turned arround slowly and face the door.

After a while, the old lady was even stress....suddenly she heard one of the black guy at her back said "hit the floor", she immediately got down to the floor and muttered "take the money, don't hurt me..." The two guys helped her to get up, they stiflied their laughter and said "dear lady, if you don't mind, we'd glad to help you to push the button."

In the next day morning, the old lady received a bouquet, on the card it was written " Dearest lady, thanks for giving us a good laughter yesterday. your sincerely Michael Jordon & Eddie Murphy".


回复 2#mayflower 的帖子

eh.....i hope there was no mistake on grammar and spelling.


回复 4#mayflower 的帖子

  oh yeah.


回复 6#cocoyangyang 的帖子

thank you my dear!!!
should i put another note in Chinese?.


回复 8#cocoyangyang 的帖子

there are two meanings -

1/ get down to the floor
2/ push the button of the floor you want to go.


回复 10#cocoyangyang 的帖子

"stifle one's laughter" means hold the laughter
- thanks for mayflower's correction.

[ 本帖最后由 混凝土 于 2009-3-19 12:28 编辑 ].


原帖由 nice妈妈 于 2009-3-19 11:48 发表
this reminds me another joke in the elevator,
one day, a man stepped into the elevator, and see a very very hot girl inside, to his surprise, the girl asked him:"going down" in English, but the man i ...
i saw this joke, really funny!.


回复 14#vivian2006 的帖子

glad to see that i didn't make too many mistakes.....


回复 19#mayflower 的帖子

  i made a BIG mistake then....


回复 21#mayflower 的帖子

  thanks again!
I think this is the purpose to have this platform..

