Bai Lu(鲁白)
Vice President, Biology, GlaxoSmithKline
After receiving his undergraduate training in Shanghai, China, Bai Lu went to New York, and did his Ph.D. work at Cornell University Medical College, studying neurotrophin gene expression. After postdoctoral training at Rockefeller University on the molecular mechanism of synaptic transmission and development, he became an assistant professor at Roche Institute of Molecular Biology. He joined National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD), NIH in 1996, and became the Chief of the Neural Development and Plasticity Section since 2001. In 2004, he was appointed as the Associate Director of Molecular Neurobiology in the newly formed Gene, Cognition and Psychosis Program (GCAP) at National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH). Dr. Lu joined R&D-China, GSK in July, 2009.
Dr. Bai Lu pioneered research in the role of neurotrophins in synapse development and plasticity, and is considered as a leader in the field. His major contributions include: 1) discovery of BDNF regulation of long-term synaptic potentiation; 2) identification of a human SNP that impacts BDNF secretion and short-term memory in human; 3) elucidation of the importance of extracellular conversion of proBDNF to mature BDNF in synapse development and long-term cognitive function; 4) demonstration of the opposing roles of proBDNF and mature BDNF in synaptic plasticity, leading to a “Yin-Yang” hypothesis of neurotrophin actions; 5) revealing the functional role of activity-dependent BDNF transcription. Dr. Lu received a number of distinguished awards, including the Mathilde Solowey Award in 2003 for neuroscience.
鲁白教授的研究兴趣涵盖神经科学与神经,精神疾病、模式动物、发育生物学、遗传学与人类基因组研究等方面。他长期从事神经发育与突触可塑性的研究,有多项重要发现。1996年发现神经营养因子(BDNF)对学习记忆的促进作用,与国际上几位学者一起,开创了神经营养因子调控突触和神经可塑性的新领域。 2003年发现人BDNF基因上的一个单核甘酸变异(SNP)能影响BDNF在脑中的释放, 从而改变学习记忆功能。 2004-2005年,鲁白教授发现了BDNF及其前体proBDNF在脑中的既互相对立又彼此联系的机制和功能,他称之为“神经营养因子作用中的阴阳现象”,并提出将阴阳学说引入神经科学是大势所趋。目前,他的实验室开始了新的研究:用电生理学、行为学及成像技术来确认与认知及精神分裂症相关的基因。他1989年获得“殷志浩大陆杰出青年科学家奖”并参加首批大陆青年科学家代表团赴台湾访问,曾获NIH院长讲座奖,APAO奖,Mathilde Solowey奖,NIH最佳导师奖,及吴瑞奖,等等。