The aim of all IB programs is to develop internationally minded people who, recognizing their common humanity and shared guardianship of the planet, help to create a better and more peaceful world.
IB learners strive to be:
探究者 他们培养发展自己天生的好奇心。他们学习掌握开展探索和研究的必要技能,并在学习的过程中显示出独立自主性。他们积极主动、热爱学习,这种好学的品质将伴随他们的一生。
Inquirers They develop their natural curiosity. They acquire the skills necessary to conductinquiry and research and show independence in learning. They actively enjoylearning and this love of learning will be sustained throughout their lives.
知识渊博的人 他们探索各种与当地或全球有关的重要概念、思想观点和问题。在探索的过程中,他们学习掌握精深的知识,并发展对广泛而均衡的各个学科的综合理解。
Knowledgeable They explore concepts, ideas and issues that have local and global significance.In so doing, they acquire in-depth knowledge and develop understandingacross a broad and balanced range of disciplines.
思考者 他们积极主动地以批判性和创造性的方式运用思考技能来识别和处理复杂的问题,并做出理由充分、合乎伦理的决定。
Thinkers They exercise initiative in applying thinking skills critically and creatively torecognize and approach complex problems, and make reasoned, ethicaldecisions.
交流者 他们能够运用一种以上的语言,在多种多样的交流模式中有信心和富有创意地理解并表达思想观点及信息。他们能够有效而愉快地与他人合作。
Communicators They understand and express ideas and information confidently and creativelyin more than one language and in a variety of modes of communication. Theywork effectively and willingly in collaboration with others.
有原则的人 他们处事正直、诚实,有强烈的公平和正义感,尊重个人、集体和社会群体的尊严。他们对自己的行动及其后果承担责任。
Principled They act with integrity and honesty, with a strong sense of fairness, justice andrespect for the dignity of the individual, groups and communities. They takeresponsibility for their own actions and the consequences that accompanythem.
胸襟开阔的人 他们了解和欣赏本民族的文化和个人的历史,并对其他个人和社会群体的观点、价值观和传统采取开放和包容的态度。他们习惯于寻求和评价一系列广泛的观点,并愿意通过体验来丰富自己。
Open-minded They understand and appreciate their own cultures and personal histories, andare open to the perspectives, values and traditions of other individuals andcommunities. They are accustomed to seeking and evaluating a range of pointsof view, and are willing to grow from the experience.
富有同情心的人 他们理解、同情和尊重他人的需要和感受。他们有个人奉献精神,通过服务和行动来改善他人的生活和环境。
Caring They show empathy, compassion and respect towards the needs and feelings ofothers. They have a personal commitment to service, and act to make a positivedifference to the lives of others and to the environment.
敢于冒风险的人 他们有勇气并深思熟虑地面对自己不熟悉的情境和变化不定的事物,并以独立自主的精神来探索新的角色、观点和策略。他们能够勇敢和条理清楚地捍卫自己的信仰。
Risk-takers They approach unfamiliar situations and uncertainty with courage andforethought, and have the independence of spirit to explore new roles, ideasand strategies. They are brave and articulate in defending their beliefs.
全面发展的人 他们理解智力、身体和情感均衡发展对于他们自己以及他人的康乐的重要性。
Balanced They understand the importance of intellectual, physical and emotional balanceto achieve personal well-being for themselves and others.
反思者 他们对自己的学习和经历做出缜密的思考。为了有助于自己的学习和个人发展他们能够评估和了解自己的长处和局限性。
Reflective They give thoughtful consideration to their own learning and experience. Theyare able to assess and understand their strengths and limitations in order to support their learning and personal development..