
[外语] 世外小学四年级学生的英语满分作文



四年级随笔 不是真事,编的。虽然是流水帐,写得不算好,但是用的是英文思维。

I've had a great day! Today we went to a base that's only open in the summer. At 7:45am I had to roll out of bed get ready and go rent a dog sledge. So I could go to the summer base. I got there at 10:00am there were a lot of people studying. At noon after lunch I went with a tour guide to go look at penguins and seals. It was fantastic the seals were so funny! It also was funny the way the penguins walked! I asked the tour guide if there were any more animals. But he said no. At 2:30pm we went back on a dog sledge. I could hear the rushing water behind us. I hated the smell it smelled like steam. Then I went out to take some interesting pictures. I got three seals pictures and eight penguins pictures. They were awesome! When I went back for dinner the food was disgusting I don't know how people can last the summer! After that, I went to the library to see what else I could do. I found out some people race with dog sledges. So I went up to a lady and asked if she wanted to race. She said ok so we raced. She was very good I lost to her. But it was amazing I loved it! It's getting late got to go.

[ 本帖最后由 不二周助 于 2009-4-8 10:18 编辑 ].


原帖由 PUPPET 于 2009-4-8 20:59 发表



回复 13#PUPPET 的帖子



原帖由 GH 于 2009-4-11 21:20 发表
比较正式的, 就是在老师规定的格式中完成的( within frame) , 儿子说这是学校规定动作, 他们也是这样写的, 比较BORING的.
一致认为是中轨中矩.  ...
虽然我不精通,但是第一篇文章写作,标点运用,和语句上我认为有很多的问题。外国老师来看也是有问题的。随便挑一句My father was thin and tall and short-sighted 不能这样写的,如果是形容词并列,应该是My father was thin, tall and short-sighted.
But great changes have taken place in my family. 这句话出现,让人的第一感觉是家庭里要发生巨大的变化。。。可是后面写的是大家外貌上的变化。这不是great change.我女儿说played with toys 是指和玩具一起玩,只有朵拉A梦的世界才有可能,呵呵。玩玩具play toys.
除此之外,还有很多牵强的地方,至少外国人看得会不明白。Mom has to care about my score and I always break her heart.中国特色,外国人肯定不明白。


[ 本帖最后由 不二周助 于 2009-4-11 22:12 编辑 ].


回复 30#mayflower 的帖子



回复 32#我是考粉 的帖子




The Tortoise and the Hare

Once upon a time, there was a hare who runs very fast, and a tortoise who walks very slowly.
One day, the hare said to the tortoise, "I want to race with you. The winner gets an ice cream. Er...the end could be that palace." he pointed to a palace with a blue gate far away.
They asked the mouse to be the referee. "On your marks, one...two..three, go!" The referee blew his whistle. The hare was very fast. He zoomed up the hill. But the tortoise was very very slow. The referee called," Go tortoise go!" But it didn't help! The hare was so swift that soon the referee couldn't see where he is! After a while, the hare suddenly stopped and looked down. "Aha!"he laughed,"Tortoise is still very slow." He smiled and ran up to the palace. Quickly he was sweating and thought," If I stop and have a rest, the tortoise must be the winner." So he never stopped until soon he felt tired. He sat down at a tree and had a rest. Not only a REST! He began to snooze!
The tortoise saw the hare and giggled," Ha! Now you can not be the winner. The ice cream will be mine." The tortoise was sweating and thirsty too. But he kept on walking.
When the hare woke up, guess what? The tortoise was nearly finished! Down the path, he was trying hard to catch up. But it was too late! He felt upset. The referee gave tortoise the winner an ice cream.
"If you are not pride you will be the winner." Tortoise said to the hare. At last, he shared the ice cream with the hare. They are good friends after all.

[ 本帖最后由 不二周助 于 2009-4-12 08:35 编辑 ].


回复 48#queenking 的帖子


