
[其他] 我的辞职信,终于走出了这一步

回复 1#ttmilk 的帖子

LZ 勇气可嘉... 在离职信里面还负着气呢 ...保持一种平和的心态吧,,既然走了, 就好好挥一挥手, 说声再会...谁知道什么时候真的会再会呢

wish you all the best in the year of Rat! Deeply admire your braveness as I cannot to do that due to the limitation in my character...although I complained thousands of time to the lower pay & high working load in my current position...but no action, dare not to negatiate with my boss... more acts & armors belongs to me so I'm always pretened to be  be a docile staff...

[ 本帖最后由 Polarishsu 于 2008-2-19 12:35 编辑 ].

