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标题: [外语] 2016美国瑞藤-跨洋暑假班开始报名啦!! [打印本页]

作者: 瑞藤教育    时间: 2016-6-13 11:09     标题: 2016美国瑞藤-跨洋暑假班开始报名啦!!

1.The Magic Tree House Book Study 系列读书会



The Program's name: The Magic Tree HouseBook Study

The brief introduction :Students will read the books in TheMagic Tree House Series which consists of books 1-28, in which Morgan Le Faysends Jack and Annie, two normal children from Frog Creek, Pennsylvania, onnumerous adventures and missions with a magical tree house in order to helpfree Morgan from a spell, you will help solve four ancient riddles to become Master Librarians, and save four ancient stories from being lost forever. We will read books, visit their website and play games.


This is your Reading Passport toAdventure! Read the Magic Tree House books and Fact Trackers, and then answerthe trivia questions to earn passport stamps on their website.
Avaliable to Student's level:Grades 2-5 (适合2-5年级)

     “神奇树屋”(Magic Tree House)系列描述一对小兄妹杰克与安妮的冒险故事。八岁半的哥哥杰克,理性冷静,喜欢看书,他会将沿途看到的事物,重点式的记录在笔记本上;而七岁的妹妹安妮,喜爱幻想与冒险,并且勇于尝试。这两个一动一静、个性截然不同的兄妹,在森林里发现了一个堆满书的神奇树屋,神奇树屋就像时光机器,带他们到一个个不同的时空中旅行。

      “神奇树屋”的作者玛丽 波 奥斯本是美国知名的儿童文学作家,迄今已写作20余年,作品上百本,并获得许多奖项,而且担任过两届美国作家协会的主席。1992年,玛丽 波 奥斯本创作了“神奇树屋”系列的第一本书《恐龙谷历险记》,在小读者群中引起了强烈反响。“神奇树屋”系列自出版以来,广受欢迎,在全美图书馆的借阅率一直很高,甚至还要预约呢。至今她仍在进行“神奇树屋”故事的创作,这个长长的系列故事,经久不衰!

UK Sites and Stories (Social Studies& Writing)


主讲老师:Sandra Richards


Learn the stories behind some of Britain’s best-known and little known historical sites.
Visit Stonehenge, theTower of London, Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament, Hadrian’s Wall,  Queen Boadicea’s Monument, and the Roman city of Bath, to name just a few.  Relive some of Britain’s most exciting events and legends of the past give your reaction to them in a variety of written exercises. Our tour will leave you wanting more!


Seven Wonders on Seven Continents in Eight Days
(World Geography)
主讲老师: Elizabeth Campbell

In this exciting World Geography program, students will embark on a ‘virtual’ field trip around the globe visiting each continent along the way. Through the discovery of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World and the Seven Ancient Wonders of the World, students will learn more about the seven continents and five oceans, including learning the names and locations of major landforms such as mountain ranges, major rivers, and major cities. Our ‘virtual’ trip across the globe will take us to such places as the Pyramids in Egypt, the Grand Canyon in the United States, Mount Everest in the Himalayas, Victoria Falls in Africa, and many, many more.  Come aboard with me on this exciting adventure across space, time, and our beautiful home we call Earth.  


DayOne- Around the World: Geography Introduction- continents, oceans, landforms, rivers
DayTwo-Natural Wonders: The Northern Lights,Northern Europe; Mount Everest, Asia
DayThree- Natural Wonders: Victoria Falls,Africa; The Great Barrier Reef, Australia
Day Four- NaturalWonders: The Harbor of Rio de Janeiro, South America; TheGrand Canyon, NorthAmerica
DayFive- Ancient Wonders: The Pyramids of Giza,Egypt; The Hanging Gardens of Babylon, Iraq
DaySix-Ancient Wonders: Temple of Artemis atEphesus, Turkey; The Statue of Zeus, Greece
DaySeven-Ancient Wonders: Mausoleum atHalicarnassus, Turkey; the Colossus of Rhodes, Rhodes
DayEight- Ancient Wonders: The Lighthouse atAlexandria, Egypt; Review and Conclusion

4.1保护环境,绿色生活  Going Green

适合6-12年级   主讲老师:Christian Legler
    同学们看到本期 Christian 老师的课程是不是很兴奋呢!我知道你们都爱小惊喜,C老师也总是能给大家带来最有创意的课程,从去年暑假的职业规划,心理学到这个暑假的Going Green 绿色生活,每一门课程都能疯狂吸粉,每一次也都爆满!我想这也是大家一直以来喜爱瑞藤的原因,我们每一期暑假班都用心做有意义的创意课程和专题课程,希望国内孩子能充分被美国教育的热情和自由所感染,你们都值得最好的!

Do you want to save our planet?  Do you want to reduce your carbon footprint?  This class explores local and global environmental issues and their management.  Students will learn about environmental concerns such as global warming and population growth, as well as the methods for managing and protecting the environment.  In addition, students will have an opportunity to learn how they can help the environment at home and in their local community.  


4.2 心理学 Psychology

主讲老师:Christian Legler

Are you fascinated by how the mind works?  This class will provide students with abetter understanding of their own behavior and the behavior of others.  You will learn major concepts and theories ofpsychology.  In addition, students will beable to apply psychological concepts to their own lives.


主讲老师:Holly Cole

Life of Pi 少年派的奇幻漂流(7年级及以上)

  This summer,take a rousing, fantastical journey and be a part of a meta-tale of survival by reading the award-winning novel Life of Pi by Yann Martel. Published in 2001 and released as a movie in 2012, it quickly became a global
phenomenon.  Life of Pi tells the story of an unusual boy Piscine Patel, nicknamed Pi, that is the son of a zookeeper.  Pi has exhaustive knowledge of animal behavior, a passionate love of stories, and practices not only his
native Hinduism, but also Christianity and Islam.  When Pi is sixteen years old his father decides to leave his position as Director of the Pondicherry Zoo and emigrate with his family from India to Canada.  Aboard a Japanese cargo ship, along with their zoo animals bound for new homes, the ship sinks and Pi finds himself alone in a lifeboat with a hyena, an orangutan, a wounded zebra, and a 450 pound Bengal tiger.  Soon only Pi and the Bengal tiger remain in the lifeboat and the meta-tale of 227 days lost at sea unfolds.  Come and be a part of this amazing, out of this world, global adventure!!
(356 pages)

    今年夏天,让我们通过阅读杨• 马特尔创作的《少年派的奇幻漂流》获奖小说,来唤醒一段奇幻的生存旅程吧!小说 出版于2001年,2012年发布电影,它很快风靡全球。 《少年派的奇幻漂流》讲述了一个不寻常的男孩——派西尼·帕特尔, 绰号是π,他是动物园管理员的儿子。π详尽的了解动物行为,一个充满激情的爱的故事和实践,包括他家乡印度教,以及基督教和伊斯兰教的信仰。π是16岁时他的父亲决定离开本地管理动物园主任职务,并和他的家人从印度移民到加拿大。他们乘坐一艘日本货船,连同动物园动物们渡往新房的路上,穿下沉了,π发现自己独自一人在一艘救生艇与一只土狼、一只猩猩,一个受伤的斑马,和一个450磅的孟加拉虎相伴。很快救生艇上,就只剩下π和孟加拉虎。227天在海上失踪的奇幻漂流就此展开。快来一起见证这种神奇,走出现有世界,全球冒险! !

]Bridge to Terabithia & The Day of the Pelican

Bridge to Terabithia 通往特雷比西亚的桥
(By:  Katherine Paterson)

´Jess Aarons is eager to start fifth grade. He's beenpracticing his sprints all summer, determined to become the fastest runner atschool. All seems to be on track, until the new girl in class (who also happensto be Jess's new next-door neighbor), Leslie Burke, leaves all the boys in thedust, including Jess. After this rather frustrating introduction, Jess andLeslie soon become inseparable. Together, they create an imaginary, secretkingdom in the woods called Terabithia that can be reached only by swingingacross a creek bed on a rope. But one morning a tragic accident befalls Leslieas she ventures alone to Terabithia, and Jess's life is changed forever. (163 pages)

The Day of the Pelican 鹈鹕的一天
(By:  Katherine Paterson)

´Reading The Day of the Pelican will help the reader see how war disrupts peacefulpeople’s lives. It’s sometimes easier to distance oneself from a war if it’shalfway around the world. We think in terms of numbers rather than individualsand families, and believe that there is nothing we could possibly do to help.But Katherine Paterson’s book puts a face on one such family, and demonstratesthat we can begin to help by changing our attitudes at home.(160 pages)


´This story focuses on the Lleshis, an Albanian familyliving in Kosovo, a country trying to fight off Serbian oppressors.  The family suddenly finds they are homelessrefugees. Old and young alike, they find their courage tested by hunger,illness, a long, arduous journey, and danger on every side. Then,unexpectedly, they are brought to America by a church group and begin a newlife in a small Vermont town. The events of 9/11 bring more challenges for this Muslimfamily--but this country is their home now and there can be no turningback.  This is truly a compassionate,powerful novel told by an extremely talented storyteller.

´这个故事聚焦在一个阿尔巴尼亚家庭上,他们居住在科索沃这样一个试图摆脱塞尔维亚压迫者的国家。他们突然发现他们是无家可归的难民。老人和年轻人一样,他们发现他们的勇气被饥饿,疾病,长期艰苦的旅程,以及无时不在的危险考验着。 然后,出乎意料的是,他们被一个教会组织带到美国,在佛蒙特州小镇,开始了新的生活。9 / 11事件给穆斯林家庭带来的更为严峻的挑战,但这个国家现在是他们的家了,不会再像过去那样了。这是一个真正慈悲和强大的小说,作者极具才华。

A Single Shard & A Long Walk to Water
碎瓷片&取水的漫漫之路   4-8年级

A Single Shard 碎瓷片
( By:  Linda SuePark)
´“In this tale of courage and devotion, a single shardfrom a celadon vase changes the life of a young boy and his master. In12th-century Korea, the village of Ch'ulp'o is famous for its pottery. Theorphan Tree-ear spends his days foraging for food for himself and Crane-man, alame straw weaver who has cared for him for many years. Because of hiswanderings, Tree-ear is familiar with all of the potters in the village, but heis especially drawn to Min. When he drops a piece Min has made, Tree-ear beginsto work for him to pay off his debt, but stays on after the debt is paidbecause he longs to learn to create beautiful pots himself. Sent to the royalcourt to show the king’s emissary some new pottery, Tree-ear makes a longjourney filled with disaster and learns what it means to have true courage.This quiet story is rich in the details of life in Korea during this period. Inaddition it gives a full picture of the painstaking process needed to produceceladon pottery. However, what truly stands out are the characters: the grumpyperfectionist Min; his kind wife; wise Crane-man; and most of all, Tree-ear,whose determination and lively intelligence result in good fortune.” —Barbara Scotto, School Library Journal, starred review.(152 pages)

´“在这个充满勇气和奉献精神的故事中,一个青瓷花瓶碎片改变了一个小男孩和他师父的生活。在12世纪的韩国, 一个以陶瓷闻名的村庄,孤儿树耳每天为自己和鹤人觅食。鹤人是一位照顾他多年的坡脚稻草编织工。因为他的闲逛,树耳熟悉所有村里的陶艺家,但他特别被一位叫闵的陶艺家吸引。当他打碎了一只闵做好陶瓷后,树耳开始为他工作来偿还债务。债务还清后,因为他渴望学会自己创造出美丽的瓷器,所以继续那工作。为了想让国王使者将一些新的瓷器发送到宫廷,树耳开始一场充满灾难长途旅行,并懂得了真正勇气的含义。这个安静的故事,将韩国此间的生活细节展现得淋漓尽致。此外,它提供了一套完整的、生产青瓷陶器的艰苦过程。然而,真正突出的是人物性格:脾气暴躁的完美主义者闵;他善良的妻子;聪明的鹤人;最重要的是,树耳的决心和生动的智慧给他带来好运。´                                        ——芭芭拉斯哥图,学校图书馆杂志,荣誉审查。

A Long Walk to Water 取水的漫漫之路
(  By:  Linda SuePark)

´The New York Times bestseller A Long Walk to Water begins as two stories, told in alternatingsections, about two eleven-year-olds in Sudan, a girl in 2008 and a boy in1985. The girl, Nya, is fetching water from a pond that is two hours’ walk fromher home: she makes two trips to the pond every day. The boy, Salva, becomesone of the "lost boys" of Sudan, refugees who cover the Africancontinent on foot as they search for their families and for a safe place tostay. Enduring every hardship from loneliness to attack by armed rebels to contactwith killer lions and crocodiles, Salva is a survivor, and his story goes on tointersect with Nya’s in an astonishing and moving way. (128 pages)

《纽约时报》的 畅销书《 取水的漫漫之路》 始于两个交替的故事。两个十一岁的苏丹孩子,一个2008的女孩和一个1985年的男孩。女孩尼娅从家走两小时去池塘取水:她每天去池塘旅行两次。男孩萨尔瓦,成为苏丹“遗失的男孩”之一,非洲大陆的难民们,徒步为他们的家庭寻找一个安全的逗留地方。从孤独到被武装叛乱分子攻击,与杀手狮子和鳄鱼接触,在这些持续的困难中,萨尔瓦是一个幸存者,他的故事在与尼娅以惊人方式相交发展。

主讲老师:Valerie Coates

Phonics 是针对儿童学习特点,适合儿童学习英语语音的注音系统。在掌握了phonics 后,孩子的认字能力会大大提高,能够进行自由阅读。

Introduction 课程简介
Is your child still experiencing difficulty reading?  Help them crack the code using advance phonics. Your child will learn to combine sound combinations for the short and long vowels for a, e, i, o, and u along with other special phonics sounds.   Your child should possess the ability to hear, identify, and manipulate phonemes.  Help your child crack the code with this phonics class!!!

从听说扩展成阅读(见词就能读)→有听说能力基础的孩子学习 Phonics 后, 他们可以很快就进入到阅读阶段。 虽然很多常用的单词不认识, 没见过, 但都能听懂。 一旦能念出来, 他们就能明白这个词的意思, 也知道怎么用。 因为这些单词在先期的听说训练时期, 已经成为孩子的听力词汇量了。现在可以拼读出来, 孩子就认识这个单词了。 这个单词就进入孩子的阅读词汇量了。
Phonics 与阅读能力
是阅读必备的技能。依靠 Phonics 技能进行大量阅读,进而扩大 Vocabulary(词汇量) 和提高 Fluency(阅读流利性), 最后提高 Comprehension(阅读理解能力)。这几个部分的有机结合形成了一个人的阅读能力。
Phonics 是背单词的方法之一,但绝不是为背单词而 服务的。作为一种学习阅读的方法和技能,Phonics 能在阅读中得到训练和提高。
学习 Phonics的前提
学习phonics 之前,孩子需要学会26个字母。知道每个字母所代表的发音。之后学习 phonics 语音体系,熟悉26个字母和字母组合的基本发音。

[ 本帖最后由 瑞藤教育 于 2016-6-19 13:39 编辑 ]

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作者: 瑞藤教育    时间: 2016-6-19 13:37




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作者: 瑞藤教育    时间: 2016-6-19 13:41

作者: 瑞藤教育    时间: 2016-6-27 10:57

暑假班报名已结束,如有需要调整时间的同学, 请主动和我们联系奥!
作者: 瑞藤教育    时间: 2016-10-26 15:34


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