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标题: U.S. News 100 Best Jobs of 2014 [打印本页]

作者: pp_dream    时间: 2014-4-4 04:59     标题: U.S. News 100 Best Jobs of 2014

All jobs aren’t created equal. In fact, some are simply better than the rest. U.S. News 100 Best Jobs of 2014 offer a mosaic of employment opportunity, good salary, manageable work-life balance and job security. Some careers offer just the right mix of these components – for instance, nearly 40 percent of our picks are health care jobs – but the list also includes strong showings from occupations in the social services and business sectors. And for the first time, our No. 1 pick is a technology job. Read more on how we rank the best jobs, and check out our complete list. ... s/the-100-best-jobs

Software Developer

These professionals are the brains behind your Candy Crush obsession and Android phone dependency. They might be applications developers, who design computer software, databases and games, or they could be systems-focused developers, who are responsible for building operating systems. Growth for both types of IT professionals should balloon: The  Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts there will be nearly 140,000 brand new positions created before 2022.

Computer Systems Analyst

To excel in this job, you need to be both goal-focused and process-oriented. Computer systems analysts must understand computer hardware, software and networks and how they work together, so they can make recommendations to organizations for the best operations systems to use. The BLS predicts 24.5 percent employment growth for this job by 2022.


As Dr. Seuss once wrote, “Teeth are always in style.” Dentists surely think so. They make their living diagnosing and treating our teeth and gums, and counseling us on how to maintain good oral health. This profession is expected to add 23,300 new jobs up to the year 2022.

Nurse Practitioner

It’s a nurse practitioner’s array of capabilities, coupled with the fact they can work independently of physicians when treating patients, that makes our No. 2 Health Care Job an attractive career choice. The BLS predicts 37,100 new positions for these professionals between 2012 and 2022.


Pharmacists mix technical, organizational and people skills in a customer service environment. Each day, more than 281,560 pharmacists dispense medicine and advice to patients at hospitals and retail chains. The profession is expected to grow 14.5 percent by 2022.

Registered Nurse

Nursing is an indispensable profession in health care; one where workers are almost always needed. This year is no different, as the BLS anticipates 19.4 percent employment growth in this field between 2012 and 2022.

Physical Therapist

A physical therapist’s job description might include helping a paralytic regain mobility or a cancer survivor renew his or her strength. The profession is expected to grow 36 percent by 2022.


Physicians are at the top of the health care food chain – it’s their responsibility to diagnose and treat patients, and instruct on proper diet, hygiene and disease prevention. Like other jobs in this industry, physicians will see abundant job growth. The BLS forecasts 123,300 new job openings for physicians from 2012 to 2022.

Web Developer

Web developers are responsible for the sleek fonts and clean layout you love on your favorite websites. The BLS considers this one of the fastest-growing jobs this decade and predicts employment should swell at a rate of about 20 percent by 2022.

Dental Hygienist

In addition to cleaning teeth, dental hygienists educate patients on proper oral hygiene. Something else of note: They make yearly salaries of about $70,700, although most work part time. Expect 33.3 percent employment growth for this field from 2012 to 2022..
作者: 辛勤的妈妈    时间: 2014-4-4 06:22

作者: pp_dream    时间: 2014-4-4 08:30

The average U.S. orthodontist earns $196,270. The average CEO makes $178,400.

The discrepancy likely reflects the fact that the nation’s 248,760 chief executives far outnumber the 5,570 orthodontists. A good number of those CEOs likely earn modest salaries at small companies. (The Labor Department calculates wages as a worker’s base pay plus tips, commissions and bonuses tied to quotas or job completion. The figure excludes stock and year-end bonuses, overtime pay, clothing and tool allowances and other perks.).
作者: pp_dream    时间: 2014-4-4 08:30

1. The median pay for an athlete or sports competitor is $39,050, which is less than the Miami Heat pays LeBron James per quarter (of a basketball game.)

2. One out of every 17 jobs in America is held by a retail salesperson or a cashier. There are 4.5 million retail salespeople, the most of any occupation. That’s followed by cashiers at 3.3 million. Average pay for those jobs: $12.20 per hour for retail sales and $9.82 for cashiers.

3. Anesthesiologists make the highest average salary of any profession: $235,070 a year. They even earn more than the doctors performing the operations. Surgeons have the second-highest average salary at $233,150.

4. The average annual pay of a nonfarm animal caretaker ($22,510) exceeds that of a child-care worker ($21,490).

5. Of the 10 largest occupations, only registered nurses — with an average annual salary of $68,910 — earn more than the national average for all occupations ($46,440).

6. Both athletic trainers and service-unit operators in the oil, gas and mining industry are precisely at the median annual salary for all U.S. occupations: $42,790.

7. The job with the lowest average hourly pay is a fast-food cook, at $9.07. Those burger flippers (and their peers) are in one of just three occupations with average annual pay of less than $19,000 a year. The others are shampooers – yes, shampooers — and fast-food servers.

8.  Operators of nuclear-power reactors earn an average of $78,410 annually. That’s less than real-estate brokers ($82,380) and funeral-service managers ($80,250).

9. The U.S. boasts 4.6 public-relations specialists for every reporter or correspondent. Those PR pros earn 40% more a year on average than journalists.

10. The median annual salary for economists is $93,070, which they’d probably say is more meaningful than their average salary of $101,450..
作者: 安宝妈妈    时间: 2014-4-4 12:35

难怪 我有几个朋友 都是Physician.
作者: 清咖一杯    时间: 2014-4-12 10:20


$12.20 per hour for retail sales and $9.82 for cashiers.
澳村最低工资是16.37澳元一小时,很多行业都有自己Modern Award系统,一般都在20刀以上。低于最低工资的合法的只有学徒,童工,不合法的一般是黑心的亚洲餐馆,超市支付给那些不会讲英文的员工或者黑民,留学生。

The average U.S. orthodontist earns $196,270. The average CEO makes $178,400.
上海的CEO应该都不止挣这么多吧,基本上一个Plant Manager,很多公司的HR Director, Finance Controller, Sales & Marketing Director都能挣到1M以上啊。.
作者: pp_dream    时间: 2014-4-12 11:11     标题: 回复 6楼清咖一杯 的帖子


$178,400,average CEO 收入,大概满大街都CEO,生生拉低了平均数。还有,这些数据估计没有包括股票期权收入吧,这是CEO的收入来源。我们公司CEO把我们卖了,他80millions刀入袋为安,苦了我们民工,哀鸿遍野。资本家真是死啦死啦滴!.
作者: pp_dream    时间: 2014-4-12 11:14

正好刚看到一个数据是我们民工的,Principal IC Design Engineer Average:  $138,696 per year
这个一定是base salary,不含股票/bonus/福利。.
作者: pp_dream    时间: 2014-4-12 11:15

Principal Software Engineer – Yahoo
in California : $150,883.
作者: pp_dream    时间: 2014-4-12 11:18     标题: Qualcomm民工工资高的

Principal Hardware Engineer – Qualcomm
作者: pp_dream    时间: 2014-4-12 11:19


Senior Principal Hardware Engineer – Oracle
作者: 清咖一杯    时间: 2014-4-12 20:58     标题: 回复 7楼pp_dream 的帖子

作者: pp_dream    时间: 2014-4-12 21:44     标题: 回复 12楼清咖一杯 的帖子

好像是超市收银和快餐馆打工的都比较低,麦当劳员工前段日子罢工就为minimum wage.


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