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标题: 【闲情逸致写散文——漂流】(原创) [打印本页]

作者: Wini妈妈    时间: 2010-3-12 22:54     标题: 【闲情逸致写散文——漂流】(原创)

Drift of Spirit

Sometimes I asked myself, “How much do I know of this world?  Do I really know myself?  Can I explain what my life and fate is?”

I always cannot get rid of the influence of my emotions.  When feeling well, I want to jump and laugh, and when feeling bad, I’m in so low spirits.  I don't know if it's the same to the others.  Just like the tide, between the highs and lows, I concern closely about the drift of spirits.  Not with the desire to set root at places I feel regret to, I just pay attention to the fleeting sense of joy, for I believe the happiness owned is out of sight while the suffering of spirits, most probably, will climb to our faces without being noticed.  Scattered wrinkles on the face cut and divide my days into many sporadic pieces.

Don't try to find the root.  Just drift.  We've been given personalities and birthdays by our forefathers.  Can the fortune-teller and the word-evaluator see through the secret codes of spirit's drift?  The answer is surely “No”.  It is the fate that is the first thing we are eager to hold.  But it's also the fate that is the most difficult one to hold.  Not for even one minute does the fate not seduce us to begin tomorrow’s arduous and distressful drift.


[ 本帖最后由 Wini妈妈 于 2010-3-12 23:25 编辑 ].
作者: ruixuet    时间: 2010-3-12 23:04

作者: Wini妈妈    时间: 2010-3-12 23:12     标题: 回复 2#ruixuet 的帖子

作者: Wini妈妈    时间: 2010-3-18 01:45

That morning with wind-storm and downpour, I traveled to far end of the sea with fishing boat.  When the boat was farther and farther away from the bank, I felt I was also drifting with the boat.  During the drift, we could, without expectation, find new things on the bank.  We were eager to get at whatever that was beyond our reach.  There was delight in the sea and gold on the bank.  Until then did I realize that why we were dumb to what we had had was that we'd stayed on the bank for too long a time.  In reality, stillness and drift is a perfect combination.  We can't underestimate the importance of drift to life.  Wisdom is produced by over-swelling thought in drift.  The benefit is resulted from distance, which gets me out of the position of stillness to see the fact, the essence of fact.  At that time, on the boat I thought, to literature, closeness and distance were both indispensable.  Closeness could bring us emotions to travel faraway.  It helped me find the world no longer unreal.  While distance could satisfy us, making us gaze at the wandering years long before and find the life only a short journey.  Is life just journey?  Sometimes it likes a game and the rules twinkle like sprays.  Thus I couldn't help being surprised at the fascination of drift.  It inspires endless wisdom, intelligence, consciousness and responsibility.  We should show our immaculate manner and examine the fate and ourselves once more.

Coming back to the land, I still felt I were drifting.  The sea behind was still.  What's left after the drift was quiet eyes and placid heart.  All the dreams and wrangles could not agitate the stillness.  I'm the survivor of the great earthquake of TangShan.  I don't understand if my birthplace moves frequently.  The strong earth-quake of that time had already shown me how to understand the state of panic, depression and no choice.  Let my calm heart drift with the earth.  On a summer morning of 1995, another earthquake occurred to TangShan.  Staring at the swaying light, I was greatly confused.  I became calm in my deep heart and so do some others.  Afterward, a friend told me that I had maintained my composure at the senseless sway.  I have already had the opportunity to live in the world for twenty years.  If the unusually great earthquake happened on the land once more, even if I survived, I wold commit suicide as if I died by the God's order.  Hearing this, I believed it was the calmness after drift.  Was it resistance and cross-examination?  As even the disastrous season couldn't be explained, let alone to ornament the fate with fear and tear.  When drifting and rotating, the universe, at its own will, constructs and enriches a great spirit.  At the same time the perfect unification of the spirits of the universe and of the human beings turn the quiet life into a scenery of happiness and well-being..
作者: 冰城来客    时间: 2010-3-18 12:43

作者: Wini妈妈    时间: 2010-3-22 11:15

Stillness of drift is not dumbness of spirit.  In childhood, Grandma told me that story of losing heart.  It is said that one loses his heart, only having a dumb and dreadful body left.  It is rather difficult to get back the heart for he doesn’t have the least idea of where he lost it.  Now all of a sudden, I realize that the heart could never be got back.  His heart stayed at yesterday with stubborn but tender feelings to the past.  Only when he looks forward to the future, and drifts with the moon and the stars will a new heart comes into being.  It is those things which seem to be ridiculous that make me think of fate.  In clamorous world, you live in the era of that time, while in quiet drift, you live in all eras.  Getting rid of trouble in drift, I find the long-expected hometown, one belonging to my own era.  In this course, how to look for homeland is more important than find it.  We want to find a place for the spirit to calm down.  To drift is to examine our spirits.  Frequent examination of spirit means that there’s something wrong with it.  Is dumbness the greatest problem?

That Clear Brightness Festival there was a great fashion show at the TangShan anti-seismic monument.  It was sunny with a little warm breeze.  A group of good-looking fashion models wandered on the stage of the monument.  It attracted many people to look around.  The onlookers set high praise on the beauty of the fashionable dress.  I couldn’t understand for what the organizers did so.  The anti-seismic monument is uttly imcompatible with those fashion models.  At the same time, on a trianglar land at the south of TangShan, the local people were holding memorial ceremony for the victims.  The ashes of the burnt paper scattered, filling the whole sky.  Later it is said that, after the ceremony for their dead relatives, they came back to the town to look at the fashion show.  To them, the monument was the homeland for the spirits of their dead relatives.  But there was not any expression on their faces.  No anger at all.  I wonder if it is the stillness after drift or maybe it’s dumbness.  What kind of emotions should one in perplexity of fate has?  The activity and reflection of spirit is to hold and improve people’s fate. While among the still, or, to be more exact, the dumb, who can tell his own fate?   Holding ceremony and telling fortune is not the Ace in our hand.  What we really hold is the never-ending spirit, a power to refresh spirit in drift..
作者: 紫玉    时间: 2010-3-22 13:35

英语言文一致,而骨子里是白话.愈平易自然愈好,愈少粉饰藻丽语句愈好,愈近清顺口语愈好,愈能念出来顺口成章愈好(林语堂) 为了学习和练习英文用英文书那有另当别论了 。不否则只能是炫技。。。。不过这里是 English Corner 。 偶忘了。。。。.
作者: Wini妈妈    时间: 2010-3-22 14:08

确是无聊的时候写的 .
作者: Wini妈妈    时间: 2010-3-25 10:45

Day alternates with night in order.  The sun and the moon run in the sky.  Endlessly we drift in the universe.  There's a magnetic field at the center of all the drifts.  The grand just basis of the field is science, which is an auspicious incantation, telling us people's fates and beautiful legents.  Until then do we know that the first basic motive of human being's activities is to look for homeland and the second is to get rid of poverty.

Does it mean that I have understood the world?

Does it mean that I have explained my own fate?

Does it mean that I have caught the true meaning of life?

The answer is sincere, “No.”  In endless drift, maybe we take all the effort of our life to maintain the still and wonderful pretension.  We can never forget that drugs make one in joy first, and then in deep sorrow.  Only when understanding all this can we foster love in the human world.  Love can turn drugs into fertilizer, accumulate it bit by bit and make the earth richer.

Perhaps it's journal of my pretentious naivety.  Will those which can't be proved and can only be sensed shiver at road cross tomorrow like lonely branches?

May the naivety accompany me to make another drift!

The great deep river of life flows spontaneously and calmly.  I, the individual small boat, drift up and down, from the early young to old.  In the drift, to keep the spirit young maybe is the most efficient secret perscription.  I have an aged friend.  He's 60 now, but his spirit is in harmony with our young.  He wears big-sized T-shirt instead of Chinese tunic suit.  He talks cheerfully and humorously, never admitting he's old.  He was trying to act as a 60-year-old “young”.  His boat seems to be starting a drift.  He doesn't like us adding the world “old” before his last name.  I think that to call him “the old” actually shows my respect to him.  To him, however, it is only an insinuation to finish life early.  He's old but impetuous, taking ordinary life as a sacred matter.  To those taking apart days to taste and enjoy, where will the spirits drift to?  It is said that he had a terribly hard life in youth.  As time flows, all's faint and becomes his comfort.  You can put the greatest pain at the deep of your heart for the pain in the past always keeps silent.  Breath of life is still so sensitive.  He takes life drift as ever-lasting wander.  I believe continuous drift of life is never tiring.  It contains enough amount of power and experience with comfort and joy.  Can our genuine youth drift like him?  Can we conceal the individual sadness with life gratification?   It needs patience and endurance..
作者: 草履虫    时间: 2010-11-25 15:43     标题: 回复 7#紫玉 的帖子

作者: 紫玉    时间: 2010-12-3 09:46

Sometimes I asked myself, “How much do I know of this world?  Do I really know myself?  Can I explain what my life and fate is?”

Make things simple,life will be less difficult.
Do what  you  want ,that is it.
We should enjoy our life everyday..
作者: 紫玉    时间: 2010-12-3 09:49     标题: 回复 10#草履虫 的帖子

咳,偶都没看完. 太长,头晕. 
啊 又忘了这里是。....

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