发表于 2009-12-21 13:43
1-2-3: Three Steps to Effective Parenting
1-2-3 magic will provide you with three steps for effective parenting. Each of the three steps is distinct, manageable and extremely important. The three Parenting steps are also mutually interdependent; in other words, each one depends to some extent on the others for its success. Ignore any of these steps at your own risk.
Parenting Step 1(Part II and III) involves controlling obnoxious behavior. You will never like or get along well with your children if they are constantly irritating you with their whining,arguing, teasing, badgering, tantrums, yelling and fighting. In 1-2-3 Magic you will learn how to "count" obnoxious behavior, and you will be pleasantly surprised at how effective that simple technique is!
Step 2(Part IV) involves encouraging good behavior. Encouraging good behavior, such as picking up after yourself, going to bed, being courteous and doing homework, takes more effort--for both parent and child--than controlling difficult behavior. You will learn seven simple methods for encouraging positive actions in your kids.
Finally, in Step 3(Part IV) you will learn some valuable and not-so-difficult ways of maintaining healthy relationships with your children. Some parents merely need to be reminded of these strategies; other parents have to work hard at them. Paying attention to the quality of your relationship with your children will help you with Step1 and 2, and vice versa.
Let's get going--and good luck!
让我们开始 - 祝你好运!.