发表于 2007-9-14 15:38
这是理解误区. 认购权证比之正股并无更大风险(假设溢价不是很大的话). 而就马钢而言, 其权证是很深的负溢价.这种情况是不多见的, 也就是说比正股更安全. 买权证的前提是相信其正股.而不是去投机. 如果现在觉得钢铁股还有吸引力的话, 马钢权证无疑是最佳的选择词(正股跌20-25%还持平). No need in and out frequently.
至于当天清空, 为短线或投机者所为 (because of T+0 in nature). 也因前段时间认沽权证的疯狂炒作. 各位散户还是谨慎为之.
The bottom line is you need to really believe in the entitled stocks and have a good strategy...do not worry about day-to-day upside and down. In many cases, "认购权证" or call options are safer than the underlined stocks and with more leverage. As individula investors, saty away from 认沽权证 or put options, especially in a bull market.
Just my two cents.
很抱歉, 打中文太慢太慢了..