小瑗瑗妈能在这个时候开帖真是及时的甘霖啊, 感动加感谢
关于三星快听快答, 有些句子是否要根据句子的意思反过来, 而不只是反单词?
举例 1:The sun is the biggest among the sun the earth and the moon.
Answer: The moon is the smallest among the sun, the earth and the moon.
举例 1:I borrowed a book from my brother yesterday.
Answer: My brother lent a book to me yesterday.
还有小孩子在回答时如果长句没能全部复述出来, 但关键的反义词讲对了, 只在句子中漏掉或讲错部分, 考官是否算错呢? 您是考官, 感谢能给些临场技巧和指导