
[其他] 阿尔茨海默氏症


美国梅约医学中心(Mayo Clinic)的研究人员在《自然》(Nature)杂志发表研究报告称,他们已经发现一类制剂在试验治疗阿尔茨海默氏症(Alzheimer's disease,即老年性痴呆)的过程中是如何发挥作用的。这一发现可能为相关药物的研制打开一条通途。
  Researchers at Mayo Clinic in the US have discovered how a class of agents in testing to treat Alzheimer’s disease works. The finding may open up an avenue of drug discovery for the disease.

报告称,这类制剂名为伽玛分泌酶调节剂(gamma-secretase modulators),可以阻止长β淀粉状蛋白质(Abeta)的合成,而这种蛋白质会在大脑中形成斑块。这类制剂还会促进短蛋白质的合成,防止长蛋白质相互粘合在一起。
Their report, published in Nature, finds that agents known as gamma-secretase modulators lower production of long pieces of the amyloid beta protein (Abeta) that form clumps in the brain. The agents also boost production of shorter proteins that can prevent the longer forms sticking together.

The finding is critical, the researchers say, because when Abeta accumulates it can trigger Alzheimer’s.

研究小组负责人托德•格尔德(Todd Golde)表示:“这些制剂的作用与有些胆固醇药物可能有点类似——这些药物可以降低黏附动脉的有害胆固醇的含量,并提高有益胆固醇的含量,让这些胆固醇扫除那些有害胆固醇。”此外,这些制剂会附着大脑中业已存在的β淀粉状蛋白质,防止它们聚合。阿尔茨海默氏症的一个特征就是“斑块”和其它聚合物的形成,人们相信这些物质会损害神经元。
“The action of these agents might be analogous to . . .  drugs that can lower the bad cholesterol that sticks to your arteries, and raise the good cholesterol that sweeps out the bad,” says Todd Golde, who led the study. In addition, the agents attach to the Abeta already in the brain, stopping it from collecting. A hallmark of Alzheimer’s is formation of “plaques” and other assemblies that are believed to damage neurons.


