
[外语] STARBUGS幼儿园中、大班 《美式英语实验强化班》招生简章(及每日课程介绍)

STARBUGS幼儿园中、大班 《美式英语实验强化班》招生简章(及每日课程介绍)

2007-6-3起  每周日 9:30—11:30



8人(还有 3 个名额)



Virginia老师来自美国马萨诸塞州,在亚特兰大市斯贝尔曼学院(Spelman College)取得文学学士学位。Virginia老师目前为上海某国际幼儿园的英语教师,在美国有2年、在中国有超过4年的专业幼儿教育经验,先后在中国的青岛、深圳、上海等地的双语幼儿园从事英语教育和管理工作。 Virginia老师既精通英语又会汉语,使得她能够贴切运用汉语和英语恰当的穿插于课堂教学之中。这样参加课程学习的小孩就能够既意会又言传地实现汉语和英语自由准确表达自己的想法,为将来移民海外出国留学消化文化差异奠定良好基础。


[ 本帖最后由 StarBugs 于 2007-7-19 12:11 编辑 ].



Learning and Playing with Words, Activities, Objects and Songs that Begin  with ABC and D

English Lesson

Date: Sunday, June 3, 2007
Time: 9:30am-11:30pm
Instructor: Teacher Ginny

In this lesson, I will join the children in using English to explore words and phrases that incorporate ABC and D. Our lesson will include storytelling, game playing, simply conversations, tracing and rhymes.  We will have fun with Apple Art, Banana Songs, Cookie Creations, Dog Stories and more. Through this total English immersion and activity-based lesson, the children will have fun while learning.



我们StarBugs 的口号是谁的孩子谁管。为保证教学质量, 我们请的大多是有美国教师执照或相同经验的老师。这些老师多半只在上海的国际学校里工作, 很少在教育培训机构内工作。因而价格不菲。他们的职业精神很令人放心,缺点是需要有人在老师和家长之间做大量有效的沟通工作, 因而很难大成为大规模的机构。只能有爱孩子有无法找到解决方案的父母们来组织了。

因为联洋的国际社区背景,很多孩子从海外回来,很多孩子都有意海外留学。过去是围城,现在是围国了。我们从海外回来的人,知道两种文化的剧烈冲突,很多小海龟不适应,很多小留学生显然没有准备好。我们有意给孩子们一个在家门口体验的机会, 让这两类孩子有机会融合。

一个培训机构由四部分人组成。1。老师,2。学生, 3。组织者,4。 家长。由于教育产品的特殊性,家长的切身利是通过孩子来反映的。家长却承担着所有费用, 家长难免有不平衡的感觉。身为家长的我也深有体会。这大概是养儿育女的代价吧。你是无法反悔的了。

我们的经验是, 虎头蛇尾的培训班, 家长也有不可推卸的责任。家长往往在前三次时有很多问题, 很多建议,很多关心。 三次后在露面的机会很少了。其实这时候, 四方正是需要不断交流的时候。.



Instructor: Teacher Ginny

Date: Sunday, June 10th 9:30am-11:30am

The Things I Do With My Friends
The Things I Do With My Daddy


Today, the children will play and learn with activities about friends and dads. We will read a book about friends, learn a friendship song and create our own Friendship Puppet Show! The children will talk about their friends. They  will describe what there friends look like, what fun activities they do together and then, we will each find a friend in the class and  draw their portrait. We will learn two friendships games to play with our friends. After our activities on friends, we will move to a lesson on Daddies! We will make a Daddy Collage board that describes some of the things our fathers do. We will give these boards to our Dads for Father's Day.

[ 本帖最后由 StarBugs 于 2007-6-11 15:36 编辑 ].





今天(June 17, 2007)的课程简介

June 17, 2007

This class will carry the children through finger play with finger
painting, finger puppet making, finger songs and finger clapping
games. We will learn English Riddles like Humpty Dumpty, Jack and Jill
and Peter Peter Pumpkin Eater. We will make our own finger puppets and
have a finger puppet show. Last, we will use our hands and fingers to
play London Bridge and Red Rover Games Outside. The children will
learn how to greet each other with their fingers and will practice
their English through the fun finger puppet show.




As the children are becoming more comfortable with our English activity class and are getting more use to hearing and performing actions in English, we will now begin to focus on more English speaking activities. Today's class will incorporated circle time, blackboard, body movement and musical activities that guide the children to speak and play.

We will begin with a Circle Time Ball Passing Game. In this game, the children will count as they pass the ball. When they reach the number 7, this child will go over today's weather pattern.  
The phrase we will use is: “It is_(sunny,rainy, etc)_____today.”

We will continue with a Circle Time blindfold guess. The child will have to feel and guess what is in his or her hand.
The phrases we will use is: “What is this?” and “This is a_______.”

We will conclude Circle Time with a game called Who is it?  A blindfolded child will ask one child “How old are you?”,  “Are you a boy or a girl”, and other descriptive questions. The blindfolded child will try to guess who the person is.  The phrases we will use is: “Who is this?” and “This is________.”

From the Circle, we will play a moving and speaking game called Attention. The children will review the phrases: Jump in place, March in place, Clap your hands, Sit down, Stand up,  Hold hands, Walk in a circle, Over, Under. They will learn the phrases Walk forward and Tiptoe.

We will then have a storytelling to help the children's listening comprehension. The story is called “At School”

After storytelling, we will sing a song about eating. The song is called “I like to eat” The children sing about food they enjoy.  
The phrase we will use is: “I like to eat___.”

We will then play Apple Pass. The children will review words learned in Bingo. The phrase we will review is “This is______.”

The children will then play Art Gallery with the black board. The teacher calls out the name of an object and the child draws this object. The student who draws the most objects correctly, wins! The objects the teacher will state are: Sun, Boy, Girl, Cloud, Rain, Car, Flower, Book, A Sad Boy, A Happy Girl, Eyes, Nose, Mouth.  The phrase used is: “Please draw a _____

Last, each child will call his or her friend to perform an action and then sit in a chair. The actions called will be: Jump, March, Walk forward, Tip Toe, Hop, etc. The child moving has to move all the way to a chair and, when finished, sit in the chair. When the child sit down, he or she will say “I can_(jump,hop, tiptoe,etc.).” The phrase used will be “I can_____.”



Learning English Through Music!!

This Sunday's class will focus on learning English through music. We will learn children's songs from America, England and a few other countries. We will learn how to make musical instruments out of simple materials. We will then play our instruments while singing tunes. Through singing, we will learn different ways to greet each other and how to phrase a question. We will read and discuss a story related to music and create our own musical tune.

Sunday promises to be a very rhythmic day!



The Wonderful World of Water!!!

For our last July English Activity class,  we will experiment with
water. The children  will talk about the ways we use water. We will
find out what different objects do in water. We will learn traditional
American songs that sing about water. We will read stories that focus
on water. We will even make our own special substances with water!
Last we will review words and phrases we have already studied. Enjoy
your month! This English Activity Class will resume on August 12th .

