查看完整版本: 建议老大在中学版开个英语角

james 2006-7-6 22:32


As there are so many mom and dad interested in English education, I suggest to establish an English corner here for them to exchange their ideas. If you agree, please say yes after this line. All English learners are welcome..

qinqinmami 2006-7-6 22:43

回复 #1 james 的帖子

It's a good idea!.

Thomas 2006-7-7 08:00


ZHULINQUAN926 2006-7-7 08:02

It is very good!.

H爸 2006-7-7 08:54


dog汪汪 2006-7-7 09:19


靓狗妈 2006-7-7 09:26


关心 2006-7-7 10:04

回复 #1 james 的帖子

Good idea !.

helenLee 2006-7-7 10:37

回复 #1 james 的帖子


屁天妈 2006-7-7 10:47


庠庠妈咪 2006-7-7 11:04


燕子飞飞 2006-7-7 11:09



炫炫爸 2006-7-7 11:34


ZZRCHENCHEN 2006-7-7 12:05

回复 #1 james 的帖子

good idea!.

cicimm 2006-7-7 12:17


贝贝的妈咪 2006-7-7 12:37


LUCK 2006-7-7 12:38


enough 2006-7-7 13:27


快乐的宝贝 2006-7-7 15:43

*** 该贴被屏蔽 ***

jylulu 2006-7-7 16:33

It's   great..

PUPPET 2006-7-7 17:14

That is really a good idea! Support!.

james 2006-7-7 22:13

It seems that we need more people to support the suggestion before WANGWANGTABA pays special attention to it. So those who are interested please say yes to this idea. After we have the special column, we shall have several topics to discuss with each other.

Come on!

[[i] 本帖最后由 james 于 2006-7-7 22:17 编辑 [/i]].

helenLee 2006-7-7 22:41

回复 #23 james 的帖子

You may start a topic instead of waiting for LD's agreement. Even though we don't have a special corner, if the topic attracts many follows, LD may turn to support your idea..

james 2006-7-7 23:25

The topics can be varied. It might be your comments to the current home or international news. For example why President Putin kissed a boy's tummy in public recently? What is your feeling if he kisses yours? Or there may be some English humour stories supplied by students or parents. There even may be IQ tests. I believe that by gathering all the intelligence of parents here in WangWang, our English corner can be a very interesting place to visit. How do you think?.

上海的考拉 2006-7-7 23:29

good idea!.

一路泼水 2006-7-8 10:05

support,if estabilished, i could say such english  "do not old three old four ,give u some colour see."at this corner.

helenLee 2006-7-8 10:10

回复 #26 四眼小狗的爸 的帖子


多多侠妈妈 2006-7-8 10:33

This is really a good idea. I would like to get my child involved as well..

小香猪猪妈 2006-7-8 10:45

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