查看完整版本: 求助一道英语选择题

无言2012 2016-7-16 10:42


It‟s 2 a.m. The time when you should be in beds, sound asleep. But pull back the curtains and you might be surprised by the number of lights on in your street Night-time is __51__ just for sleeping. It has become the new daytime,
51. A. by all means   B. on earth   C. in no time   D. to this day

答案是C,可是,In no time不是表示“立刻,马上”吗?

诺诺 2016-9-27 20:55

感觉改成at no time 好像好一点。

无言2012 2016-9-28 08:29

回复 2楼诺诺 的帖子

是的,但是答案居然是是In  no time!
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