精灵娃娃 2010-5-2 08:34
精灵娃娃 2010-5-2 13:48
精灵娃娃 2010-5-3 06:43
回复 5#初末妈妈 的帖子
waiwaimeimei 2010-5-3 10:58
外语书店有专卖的 BUSCUIT 系列蛮好的
不二周助 2010-5-4 10:34
朵拉,天线宝宝,海绵宝宝,Tweenies 有很多的。
我推荐 Charlie & Lola, 有绘本的。小学生也可以看,蛮有名的。
[color=blue][size=3]Based on the award-winning books by Lauren Child, Charlie and Lola is a charming and imaginative animation series.
[color=black]Charlie is seven - he likes rockets, making racing cars and playing football with his friend Marv, who lives downstairs. Lola is four, but very nearly five. She likes pink milk, chimpanzees and her best friend Lotta. She is fascinated by everything and is very independent.
As they come up against life's daily problems (be it a spider or learning how to share), they use their own method of problem solving: imagination and fantasy. And when Lola is unsure or worried, Charlie is there to support her with humour and logic.
Aimed at three to seven-year-olds, the series is voiced by children and uses their language, but the key to the series lies in the special relationship shared between the two siblings. [/size][/color]
[[i] 本帖最后由 不二周助 于 2010-5-4 10:39 编辑 [/i]].
不二周助 2010-5-4 10:43
clifford 一只大红颜色的狗的动画片也蛮好看的。.
精灵娃娃 2010-5-5 06:32
回复 12#不二周助 的帖子
Charlie & Lola我在书店看到过,不过我看到的是中文的,卓越的那个不知道是不是英文的?