apple313 2009-8-17 13:19
[color=Blue][size=4][b]看原版外国电影和听英文歌能加强英文听说能力吗?: [/b][/size][/color][url][/url]
[[i] 本帖最后由 apple313 于 2009-8-30 19:40 编辑 [/i]].
apple313 2009-8-17 13:23
《Bedtime Reading》.I
1 了不起的盖茨比.The.Great.Gatsby
2 简爱.Jene.Eyer
3 三个火枪手.The.Three.Musketeers
4 飘.Gone.with.the.wind
5 呼啸山庄.Wuthering.Heights
6 红与黑.The.Red.and.the.Black
7 歌剧魅影.The.Phantom.of.the.Opera
8 儿子与情人.Sons.and.Lovers
9 查泰莱夫人的情人.Lady.Chatterley's.Lover
10 傲慢与偏见.Pride.and.Prejudice).
apple313 2009-8-17 13:25
《Bedtime Reading》.II
1 大战火星人.The.War.of.the.Worlds
2 远大前程.Great.Expectations
3 杨柳风
4 汤姆.索亚历险记.The.Adventures.of.Tom.Sawyer
5 时间机器.The.Time.Machine
6 鲁宾逊漂流记.Robinson.Crusoe
7 黑骏马.Black.Beauty
8 格列弗游记.Gulliver's.Travels
9 彼得·潘.Peter.Pan
10 巴斯史维尔猎犬.The.Hound.of.the.Baskervilles.
apple313 2009-8-17 13:26
《Bedtime Reading》.III
1 圣经故事.Bible.Stories
2 野性的呼唤.The.Call.of.the.Wild
3 希腊神话故事.Greek.Myths
4 圣诞欢歌.A.Christmas.Carol
5 环游地球80天
6 化身博士.Dr.Jekyll.and.Mr.Hyde
7 弗兰肯斯坦.Frankenstein
8 德伯家的苔丝.Tess.of.the.d'Urbervilles
9 白鲸.Moby.Dick
10 爱丽思漫游奇境记.Alice'
apple313 2009-8-17 13:27
《Bedtime Reading》.IV
1 永别了武器
2 卡斯特桥市长.The.Mayor.of.Casterbridge
3 爱玛.Emma
4 包法利夫人.Madame.Bovary
5 摩尔.弗兰德斯.Moll.Flanders
6 秘探.The.Secret.Agent
7 觉醒.The.Awakening
8 霍华德庄园.Howards.End
9 红字.The.Scarlet.Letter
10 维尔德费尔庄园的主人.The.Tenant.of.Wildfell.Hall.
apple313 2009-8-17 13:28
《Bedtime Reading》.V
1 小妇人.Little.Women
2 吸血鬼.Dracula
3 螺丝在拧紧.The.Turn.of.the.Screw
4 理智与情感.Sense.and.Sensibility
5 地心游记
6 少年维特的烦恼.The.Sorrows.of.Young.Werther
7 莎士比亚戏剧故事.Tales.from.Shakespear
8 秘密花园.The.Secret.Garden
9 海底两万里.Twenty.Thousand.Leagues.Under.the.Sea
10 白牙.White.Fang.
apple313 2009-8-17 13:30
[attach]357831[/attach] [attach]357830[/attach] [attach]357829[/attach] [attach]357832[/attach] [attach]357833[/attach]
[[i] 本帖最后由 apple313 于 2009-8-18 16:12 编辑 [/i]].
NAUGHTY 2009-8-17 13:38
apple313 2009-8-17 13:58
回复 9#NAUGHTY 的帖子
哈里老妈 2009-8-17 14:07
回复 10#apple313 的帖子
fanny妈妈 2009-8-17 14:12
apple313 2009-8-17 14:38
回复 11#哈里老妈 的帖子
tracy2006 2009-8-17 14:56
回复 12#fanny妈妈 的帖子
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tracy2006 2009-8-17 14:57
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LUCK 2009-8-17 15:03
apple313 2009-8-17 15:09
回复 15#tracy2006 的帖子
apple313 2009-8-17 15:16
回复 16#LUCK 的帖子
学长被你拖下(书)海了;P 中文版+英文版全看了PFPF,他是先看英文版的还是中文版的?
学弟刚看完《苏菲的世界》,床头灯英文读物也只选择他感兴趣的游记、童话、侦探、战争类看看,其他儿女情长的就:L ......慢慢来吧:lol.
LUCK 2009-8-17 15:26
回复 18#apple313 的帖子
cfq 2009-8-17 15:41
回复 1#apple313 的帖子
redsun 2009-8-17 15:42
回复 16#LUCK 的帖子
apple313 2009-8-17 15:59
回复 20#cfq 的帖子
mayflower 2009-8-17 16:09
apple313 2009-8-17 16:27
tracy2006 2009-8-17 17:11
回复 17#apple313 的帖子
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金虎妈 2009-8-17 17:21
回复 25#tracy2006 的帖子
junhuayang2005 2009-8-17 18:25
潜伏 2009-8-17 18:30
回复 2#apple313 的帖子
Sally妈妈 2009-8-17 21:55
回复 26#金虎妈 的帖子
不二周助 2009-8-18 05:26
回复 25#tracy2006 的帖子
[[i] 本帖最后由 不二周助 于 2009-8-18 06:24 编辑 [/i]].
不二周助 2009-8-18 05:50
1.Kathy Reichs -- Deadly Decisions (The No.1 International Bestseller)
2.MARKUS ZUSAK -- The book thief (The extraordinary No 1 International Bestseller)
3.STEPHENIE Meyer -- Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, Breaking Dawn (The International No 1 Bestseller)
只简单翻看了一下,还没有时间好好阅读。不知道哪本最好看,应该是3会最好看,因为最近狂迷Stephenie Meyer, 这四本都很厚的,每本都要700多页。.
不二周助 2009-8-18 05:58
回复 2#apple313 的帖子
2 简爱.Jene.Eyer
2 远大前程.Great.Expectations
3 杨柳风
1 小妇人.Little.Women
7 莎士比亚戏剧故事.Tales.from.Shakespear
8 秘密花园.The.Secret.Garden
7 弗兰肯斯坦.Frankenstein
6 化身博士.Dr.Jekyll.and.Mr.Hyde
[[i] 本帖最后由 不二周助 于 2009-8-18 06:19 编辑 [/i]].
不二周助 2009-8-18 06:18
我在看一些近年外国高中的英语课和英语文学课的教材和书,基本上都是以Modern Classics和Classics.
楼主提到的 Emma爱玛-[i]Austen[/i] 就被列为12年级的Literature教材之一。
[[i] 本帖最后由 不二周助 于 2009-8-18 06:21 编辑 [/i]].
老宾 2009-8-18 06:18
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apple313 2009-8-18 09:00
[quote]原帖由 [i]tracy2006[/i] 于 2009-8-17 17:11 发表 [url=][img][/img][/url][tt3] ...偶家丫头在Y一本接一本地研读....不是以学习为目的,只为[color=Red]好奇[/color][tt6] [/quote]孩子暑假刚看过一本书叫《科学从好奇开始》,好奇是孩子的天性,好奇可以促使她去学习,有句老话讲得好“书到用时方恨少”,现在读书也是为将来所用。.
云雀 2009-8-18 09:04
回复 34#老宾 的帖子
redsun 2009-8-18 09:40
[[i] 本帖最后由 redsun 于 2009-8-18 10:08 编辑 [/i]].
redsun 2009-8-18 09:43
回复 28#潜伏 的帖子
apple313 2009-8-18 09:45
回复 28#潜伏 的帖子
apple313 2009-8-18 09:49
[quote]原帖由 [i]不二周助[/i] 于 2009-8-18 05:50 发表 [url=][img][/img][/url]
1.Kathy Reichs -- Deadly Decisions (The No.1 International Bestseller)
2.MARKUS ZUSAK -- The book thief (The extraordinary No 1 Internatio
3.STEPHENIE Meyer -- Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, Breaking Dawn (The International No 1 Bestseller)
... [/quote]谢谢不二推荐:handshake 不要太精简,多介绍 LM 读过r的且评价高的外文书籍:hug: 。.
老宾 2009-8-18 09:58
回复 36#云雀 的帖子
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云雀 2009-8-18 10:04
回复 41#老宾 的帖子
apple313 2009-8-18 10:38
[quote]原帖由 [i]老宾[/i] 于 2009-8-18 06:18 发表 [url=][img][/img][/url]
增加身体锻炼运动量能提高每个人健康水平吗? [/quote]
云雀 2009-8-18 10:49
回复 43#apple313 的帖子
[tt18] [tt18] [tt18].
apple313 2009-8-18 11:13
[quote]原帖由 [i]不二周助[/i] 于 2009-8-18 05:58 发表 [url=][img][/img][/url]
2 简爱.Jene.Eyer
[color=Red]2 远大前程.Great.Expectations[/color]
[color=Red]3 杨柳风[/color]
1 小妇人.Little.Women
7 [color=Red]莎士比亚戏剧故事.Tales.from.Shakespear
8 秘密花园.The.Secret.Garden
7 弗兰肯斯坦.Frankenstein
6 化身博士.Dr.Jekyll.and.Mr.Hyde[/color]
她认为最后一本化身博士非常好看。 ... [/quote]
看来男孩和女孩还是有共同爱好的:lol (红色的书是相同的爱好),除了这些还有游记是SG喜欢看的书:
[[i] 本帖最后由 apple313 于 2009-8-18 11:15 编辑 [/i]].
tracy2006 2009-8-18 11:27
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apple313 2009-8-18 11:35
vivianda 2009-8-18 12:30
[tt18] ,培养孩子学习的兴趣很重要,看原版小说有这个作用。.
apple313 2009-8-18 12:56
apple313 2009-8-18 13:03
床头灯.I.《歌剧魅影.The.Phantom.of.the.Opera》 文本下载.
哈里老妈 2009-8-18 13:51
[quote]原帖由 [i]老宾[/i] 于 2009-8-18 06:18 发表 [url=][img][/img][/url]
增加身体锻炼运动量能提高每个人健康水平吗? [/quote]
哈里老妈 2009-8-18 13:52
哈里老妈 2009-8-18 14:07
回复 31#不二周助 的帖子
不二周助 2009-8-18 14:12
回复 53#哈里老妈 的帖子
不二周助 2009-8-18 14:18
[quote]原帖由 [i]tracy2006[/i] 于 2009-8-18 11:27 发表 [url=][img][/img][/url]
你女儿有看系列的书吗...很鬼异的样子,不知道我家女孩子为什么也喜欢这[tt3] [/quote]
如果你家女儿喜欢看这类书,那么推荐Anthony Horowitz写的书,我女儿说非常好看。同时这也是一个很有名的作者。
Warriors看过一两本,她觉得还可以,没有很入迷。作者是Erin Hunter 还是其他人?
[[i] 本帖最后由 不二周助 于 2009-8-18 14:29 编辑 [/i]].
不二周助 2009-8-18 14:24
回复 53#哈里老妈 的帖子
不二周助 2009-8-18 14:25
[quote]原帖由 [i]apple313[/i] 于 2009-8-18 11:13 发表 [url=][img][/img][/url]
看来男孩和女孩还是有共同爱好的:lol (红色的书是相同的爱好),除了这些还有游记是SG喜欢看的书:
《大战火星人.The.War.of.t ... [/quote]
哈里老妈 2009-8-18 14:45
回复 56#不二周助 的帖子
apple313 2009-8-18 14:47
回复 57#不二周助 的帖子
比起小不二妹妹差远了:L 他只凭兴趣选择看了几本床头灯读物,其他的就:Q
不二周助 2009-8-18 14:59
回复 58#哈里老妈 的帖子
Breaking Dawn 这本吗?这本英文的老厚的,象块砖头,有700多页。应该是很好看的。.
apple313 2009-8-18 15:27
回复 60#不二周助 的帖子
THE TWILGHT SAGA(Hard Cover) (US Edition)暮光之城(1-4套装 精装本)(美国版)
The Twilight Saga 暮光之城(1-4盒装)(英国精装版)
破晓(暮光之城4) Breaking Dawn(The Twilight Saga, Book 4)
[attach]357764[/attach] [attach]357766[/attach].
apple313 2009-8-18 15:58
[quote]原帖由 [i]tracy2006[/i] 于 2009-8-18 11:27 发表 [url=][img][/img][/url]
......<WARRIORS>系列的书...... [/quote]
兴趣是最好的老师,女儿喜欢看是好事呀,至少能增加词汇量:victory: 。
Warriors :Into The Wild
Warriors :Forest of Secrets
Warriors :Riding Storm
Warriors :A Dangerous Path
Warriors :The Darkest Hour
[attach]357823[/attach] [attach]357824[/attach] [attach]357825[/attach] [attach]357826[/attach] [attach]357827[/attach].
tracy2006 2009-8-18 16:18
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tracy2006 2009-8-18 16:18
回复 62#apple313 的帖子
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丽心妈妈 2009-8-18 16:21
apple313 2009-8-18 16:22
[quote]原帖由 [i]不二周助[/i] 于 2009-8-18 05:26 发表 [url=][img][/img][/url]我女儿也喜欢Goosebumps,已经看了好多了。但她说不是每本都好看的。这书孩子都很喜欢。 [/quote]
[attach]357838[/attach] [attach]357839[/attach] [attach]357840[/attach] [attach]357841[/attach] [attach]357842[/attach].
apple313 2009-8-18 16:28
回复 64#tracy2006 的帖子
爱看书挺好的呀,不二家的LM也看过了:lol ,至少增加了阅读量、词汇量......:victory:.
tracy2006 2009-8-18 16:31
回复 66#apple313 的帖子
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apple313 2009-8-18 16:33
[quote]原帖由 [i]BLG52[/i] 于 2009-8-18 16:21 发表 [url=][img][/img][/url]这个凄美的爱情故事12/13的女孩看,行吗。有点担心。 [/quote]能说仔细点吗?哪本书?:o
如果担心就选择其他的书,其实家长和孩子可以探讨的,担心不如正视,不要小瞧90后哟:lol 。
另外,参考不二周助、tracy2006 推荐的女孩子感兴趣的书目。:time:.
apple313 2009-8-18 16:34
回复 68#tracy2006 的帖子
是的,就如你所说的“很鬼异”;P 改天介绍给偶家SG见识见识:lol.
tracy2006 2009-8-18 16:37
回复 70#apple313 的帖子
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tracy2006 2009-8-18 16:38
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丽心妈妈 2009-8-18 16:40
apple313 2009-8-18 16:41
回复 72#tracy2006 的帖子
<Harry.Potter>男孩子喜欢的:lol 为了看电影<Harry.Potter 6 >他还重温了一遍中英文6:Q.
apple313 2009-8-18 16:47
回复 73#BLG52 的帖子
[[i] 本帖最后由 apple313 于 2009-8-18 17:02 编辑 [/i]].
不二周助 2009-8-18 17:06
[quote]原帖由 [i]apple313[/i] 于 2009-8-18 15:27 发表 [url=][img][/img][/url]
THE TWILGHT SAGA(Hard Cover) (US Edition)暮光之城(1-4套装 精装本)(美国版)
The Twilight Saga 暮光之城(1-4盒装)(英国精装版)
破晓(暮光之城4) Breaking Dawn(The Twilight Saga, ... [/quote]
不二周助 2009-8-18 17:10
Goosebumps是看看玩玩的。我说的Anthony Horowitz的书是国外7-8年级的推荐阅读作者之一。.
不二周助 2009-8-18 17:47
Well, I recommend the Goosebumps series. And I reeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaally loooooooove Stephenie Meyer. I especially like Twilight and Breaking Dawn 'cause they r awsome!
I don't like Warriors. Compare 2 other novels, Warriors is a bit boring coz' most of them just babbling 'bout animals. Anyway, choose whatever ya want.
云雀 2009-8-19 10:00
apple313 2009-8-19 10:48
[quote]原帖由 [i]不二周助[/i] 于 2009-8-18 17:10 发表 [url=][img][/img][/url]Goosebumps是看看玩玩的。我说的Anthony Horowitz的书是国外7-8年级的推荐阅读作者之一。 [/quote]在玩中学、在学中玩:P Anthony Horowitz的书好象上海米有卖:Q.
丽心妈妈 2009-8-19 11:45
去书展了,买好THE TWILGHT SAGA(Hard Cover) (US Edition)暮光之城了,这个女儿说喜欢。关于爱情只能引导了。.
哈里老妈 2009-8-19 12:31
回复 78#不二周助 的帖子
呵呵,小不二的英文真是令人羡慕[em08] [em06].
哈里老妈 2009-8-19 12:32
回复 66#apple313 的帖子
ostrichbaby 2009-8-19 13:11
回复 31#不二周助 的帖子
暮光之城确实很好 看。可以连着看下去。不过小孩也能坚持看完4本是非常了不起了。.
sunbaby020123 2009-8-19 13:24
[quote]原帖由 [i]apple313[/i] 于 2009-8-17 13:19 发表 [url=][img][/img][/url]
如果说看原版外文电影和听外文歌曲对外文学习起到辅助作用,那么加大原版外文书籍阅读量更能提高外语水平! [/quote]
不二周助 2009-8-19 13:48
刚才问了女儿,她说Native Speaker三年级就有人看了,看了以后会喜欢的不得了,一天到晚就是说Twilight,Twilight。但是在书店里,这套书是放在Young Adults的书架上卖的。当然也同时会出现在 TOP 50 的书架上。
女儿还说现在出来另一套三本的,也是很厚的,很多人将这套书推荐喜欢 Stephenie 的读者阅读。但是她忘记名字了,核实好再来。
[[i] 本帖最后由 不二周助 于 2009-8-19 13:50 编辑 [/i]].
不二周助 2009-8-19 13:53
不二周助 2009-8-19 13:56
回复 81#BLG52 的帖子
丽心妈妈 2009-8-19 14:16
回复 # 88不二周助的帖子
你介绍的Anthony Horowitz的书我也问了,没找到。你推荐的书肯定好,就是国内很少能买到。这四本厚厚的书估计可以看一阵了。.
不二周助 2009-8-19 14:23
现在这里提到的书,大多数属于Adventure,Horror或者Action,Love Story这些。这些书是很吸引小朋友的。但是,楼主说的Classic的阅读也需要补充。
The Diary of a Young Girl——Anne Frank 就是一本很经典而真实的日记形式的书。作者就是Anne Frank, 后人整理了她的日记
1942年,Anne Frank和她的家庭因为害怕纳粹集中营而逃亡,当时她只有十三岁。在今后的两年里,她用鲜明的笔触写下了逃亡生活,饥寒交迫和每时每刻都存在的恐惧。她的日记突然中止于1944年,她和她的家庭终于被纳粹发现。Anne Frank 十五岁时在德国的Bergen-Belsen集中营被杀害。
书中呈现出的Anne Frank非常感人和令人难忘——一位普通而又了不起的女孩。.
不二周助 2009-8-19 14:29
回复 89#BLG52 的帖子
丽心妈妈 2009-8-19 14:34
小渔儿 2009-8-19 14:35
回复 61#apple313 的帖子
JANE-LEE 2009-8-19 15:38
不二推荐的Anthony Horowitz写的书,卓越上有几本,不多
GOOSEBUMPS家里也有中文的, 那些CLASSICS的更不知啥时有兴趣了。:L.
apple313 2009-8-19 15:50
[quote]原帖由 [i]不二周助[/i] 于 2009-8-19 14:23 发表 [url=][img][/img][/url]
现在这里提到的书,大多数属于Adventure,Horror或者Action,Love Story这些。这些书是很吸引小朋友的。但是,楼主说的Classic的阅读也需要补充。
[color=Red]The Diary of a Young Girl——Anne Frank [/color]就是一本很经典而真实 ... [/quote]谢谢不二推荐:handshake
[attach]358199[/attach] [attach]358200[/attach].
Sally妈妈 2009-8-19 16:04
[quote]原帖由 [i]不二周助[/i] 于 2009-8-19 14:23 发表 [url=][img][/img][/url]
现在这里提到的书,大多数属于Adventure,Horror或者Action,Love Story这些。这些书是很吸引小朋友的。但是,楼主说的Classic的阅读也需要补充。
The Diary of a Young Girl——Anne Frank 就是一本很经典而真实 ... [/quote]
apple313 2009-8-19 16:05
[quote]原帖由 [i]JANE-LEE[/i] 于 2009-8-19 15:38 发表 [url=][img][/img][/url]不二推荐的Anthony Horowitz写的书,卓越上有几本,不多
GOOSEBUMPS家里也有中文的, 那些CLASSICS ... [/quote]谢谢 JANE-LEE 热心链接 :handshake 。
兴趣慢慢培养:time: 孩子的爱好会随年龄变化的:) 。.
Sally妈妈 2009-8-19 16:11
apple313 2009-8-19 16:56
The Chronicles of Narnia
[[i] 本帖最后由 apple313 于 2009-8-20 16:12 编辑 [/i]].
丽心妈妈 2009-8-19 17:31
sunbaby020123 2009-8-19 17:43
mwt5671 2009-8-19 20:24
[quote]原帖由 [i]tracy2006[/i] 于 2009-8-18 16:18 发表 [url=][img][/img][/url]
我是比较反对她看这类书籍的:L ...谢谢你的推荐!
最近,女儿在看(EVA IBBOTSON)...被深深地吸引:$ [/quote]
lenovour 2009-8-19 21:51
我也推荐两本,THE AGASSI STORY (阿加西的故事)和 LIFE OF PI.[img]桌面\n58648[/img]
[[i] 本帖最后由 lenovour 于 2009-8-19 21:53 编辑 [/i]].
丽心妈妈 2009-8-20 10:37
能 介绍下EVA IBBOTSON的哪些书好看吗。.
apple313 2009-8-20 13:55
英籍奥地利女言情小说作家 Eva Ibbotson
About Eva Ibbotson
Eva Ibbotson is the author of books published to wide acclaim in Great Britain and the U.S. She has a daughter and three sons, who showed her that children like to read about ghosts, wizards, and witches "because they are just like people but madder and more interesting."
The Great Ghost Rescue (1975)
Which Witch? (1979)
A Countess Below Stairs (1981)
aka The Secret Countess
Magic Flutes (1982)
The Worm and the Toffee-nosed Princess (1983)
A Company of Swans (1985)
The Haunting of Hiram C. Hopgood (1987)
Madensky Square (1988)
Not Just a Witch (1989)
The Morning Gift (1993)
The Secret of Platform 13 (1994)
Dial-a-Ghost (1996)
A Song for Summer (1997)
Monster Mission (1999)
Island of the Aunts (2000)
Journey to the River Sea (2001)
The Haunting of Granite Falls (2004)
The Star of Kazan (2004)
Beasts of Clawstone Castle (2005).
apple313 2009-8-20 14:00
分类:童书 少年小说13-16岁
[[i] 本帖最后由 apple313 于 2009-8-20 14:03 编辑 [/i]].
apple313 2009-8-20 14:31
艾娃.易勃森(Eva Ibbotson) 简介
艾娃.易勃森(Eva Ibbotson)出生於奧地利的维也納。二次世界大战時,她的家庭为了逃避纳粹的迫害而搬到英国,易勃森也进入當地的寄宿学校就读。目前她定居於英国北部,育有三个儿子及一个女儿。四个孩子的成长让她了解,儿童都喜爱关于鬼怪、巫师和女巫的故事,因为“他们看似与平常人无异,却更疯狂、更有趣”。
结婚后,易勃森著手写了一些短篇故事。等到最小的儿子也进入学校读书,她才开始创作长篇儿童小说;现在,她不但写給儿童,也写給成人。易勃森除了《蝴蝶‧天堂‧探险记》之外,还著有《Island of the Aunts》、《Dial-a-Ghost》、《The Secret of Platform 13》、《Which Witch?》等作品。
她的作品曾获Nominated for the 2001 Children's Whitbread Award 2001英国史马提斯童书奖金牌奖;The runner-up in the 2001 Guardian Children's Fiction Prize 好书大家读奖 .
apple313 2009-8-20 14:35
艾娃.易勃森(Eva Ibbotson)的作品
《A Song for Summer》
《Dial A Ghost》
《Monster Mission》
《Not Just a Witch》
《Star of Kazan》
《The Beasts of Clawstone Castle》
[attach]358578[/attach] [attach]358579[/attach] [attach]358580[/attach] [attach]358581[/attach] [attach]358582[/attach] [attach]358583[/attach]
[[i] 本帖最后由 apple313 于 2009-8-20 14:42 编辑 [/i]].
apple313 2009-8-20 14:40
艾娃.易勃森(Eva Ibbotson)的作品
《The Great Ghost Rescue》
《The Haunting of Hiram》
《The Morning Gift》
《The Secret Countess》
《The Secret Of Platform》
《Which Witch?》
[attach]358584[/attach] [attach]358585[/attach] [attach]358586[/attach] [attach]358587[/attach] [attach]358588[/attach] [attach]358589[/attach]
[[i] 本帖最后由 apple313 于 2009-8-20 14:41 编辑 [/i]].
redsun 2009-8-20 14:58
NAUGHTY 2009-8-20 15:13
回复 106#apple313 的帖子
曾看过艾娃.易勃森的《蝴蝶.天堂.探险记》中文版:L ,小女生喜欢:P.
apple313 2009-8-20 15:51
请尽快下载《Bedtime Reading》.I 文本文件
《床头灯3000.I.》文本下载地址:[url][/url] 猪八戒网盘
[[i] 本帖最后由 apple313 于 2009-8-20 16:15 编辑 [/i]].
apple313 2009-8-20 15:52
[quote]原帖由 [i]NAUGHTY[/i] 于 2009-8-20 15:13 发表 [url=][img][/img][/url]曾看过艾娃.易勃森的《蝴蝶.天堂.探险记》中文版:L ,小女生喜欢:P [/quote]谢谢推介:handshake 是这本吗?
tracy2006 2009-8-20 16:02
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apple313 2009-8-20 16:14
回复 114#tracy2006 的帖子
看过《The Chronicles of Narnia》1-3,画面如《指环王》般美轮美奂:victory: 。感觉女生喜欢《The Chronicles of Narnia》男生更喜欢《Harry.Potter》:P.
tracy2006 2009-8-20 16:27
回复 115#apple313 的帖子
*** 该贴被屏蔽 ***
apple313 2009-8-20 16:45
[quote]原帖由 [i]lenovour[/i] 于 2009-8-19 21:51 发表 [url=][img][/img][/url]我也推荐两本,THE AGASSI STORY (阿加西的故事)和 LIFE OF PI.桌面\n58648 [/quote]谢谢推荐:handshake 能更仔细些吗?:time:.
丽心妈妈 2009-8-20 16:47
回复 #108 APPLE313的帖子
苹果小姐,你怎么什么都知道呀,真棒! 给你送花。.
apple313 2009-8-20 16:56
回复 118#BLG52 的帖子
谢谢:handshake 不过不是苹果小姐:L 是苹果大妈:loveliness:
这些书是您和不二周助、Sally妈妈、tracy2006、哈里老妈、JANE-LEE、lenovour 等热心推荐的:hug: ,偶只是帮忙查找资料共大家参考:lol 要送花就送给热心推荐书籍妈妈们吧[attach]358655[/attach].
apple313 2009-8-20 17:03
[quote]原帖由 [i]Sally妈妈[/i] 于 2009-8-19 16:11 发表 [url=][img][/img][/url]
但关键是有个优点,在那里买书金额达到50美金以上就全免运费。 [/quote]谢谢Sally妈妈爱心链接:handshake 想办法团购;P.
H爸 2009-8-20 17:04
回复 119#apple313 的帖子
apple313 2009-8-20 20:04
[[i] 本帖最后由 apple313 于 2009-8-20 20:06 编辑 [/i]].
apple313 2009-8-20 20:07
回复 121#H爸 的帖子
侬......H老大[em19] I 服了 YOU[em18].
apple313 2009-8-20 20:28
下载地址 [url][/url].
lenovour 2009-8-20 22:07
回复 117#apple313 的帖子
"It’s a trail-of-tears saga worthy of Hollywood." -- Inside Tennis --This text refers to the Hardcover edition.
Driven by his love of tennis, Mike Agassi decided to teach his children how to play the game. It was his son Andre’s talent that shone through the brightest, and Andre became dominant in the world of men’s tennis.
The Agassi Story begins on the streets of Iran, where Mike Agassi was born. Learning to defend himself at an early age, Mike developed a punch that quickly got noticed by the boxing community. After participating in two Olympic Games and getting a taste for a better quality of life, Mike set his eyes on America. It was in Chicago that he decided to focus on tennis, and he moved to Las Vegas so he could play year–round. Knowing that it was too late for him to pursue a tennis career, he made sure to develop his children into great players, and fulfill his dream that way. But his teachings came with a high price, and tensions between Mike and his children threatened to pull the family apart.
The Agassi Story is a heartwarming look at one family’s turbulent relationship, and their ultimate reconciliation.
<Life of Pi> 位于很多美国中学的READING LIST。
Yann Martel's imaginative and unforgettable Life of Pi is a magical reading experience, an endless blue expanse of storytelling about adventure, survival, and ultimately, faith. The precocious son of a zookeeper, 16-year-old Pi Patel is raised in Pondicherry, India, where he tries on various faiths for size, attracting "religions the way a dog attracts fleas." Planning a move to Canada, his father packs up the family and their menagerie and they hitch a ride on an enormous freighter. After a harrowing shipwreck, Pi finds himself adrift in the Pacific Ocean, trapped on a 26-foot lifeboat with a wounded zebra, a spotted hyena, a seasick orangutan, and a 450-pound Bengal tiger named Richard Parker ("His head was the size and color of the lifebuoy, with teeth"). It sounds like a colorful setup, but these wild beasts don't burst into song as if co-starring in an anthropomorphized Disney feature. After much gore and infighting, Pi and Richard Parker remain the boat's sole passengers, drifting for 227 days through shark-infested waters while fighting hunger, the elements, and an overactive imagination. In rich, hallucinatory passages, Pi recounts the harrowing journey as the days blur together, elegantly cataloging the endless passage of time and his struggles to survive: "It is pointless to say that this or that night was the worst of my life. I have so many bad nights to choose from that I've made none the champion."
An award winner in Canada, Life of Pi, Yann Martel's second novel, should prove to be a breakout book in the U.S. At one point in his journey, Pi recounts, "My greatest wish--other than salvation--was to have a book. A long book with a never-ending story. One that I could read again and again, with new eyes and fresh understanding each time." It's safe to say that the fabulous, fablelike Life of Pi is such a book. --Brad Thomas Parsons --This text refers to the Hardcover edition.
[[i] 本帖最后由 lenovour 于 2009-8-20 22:36 编辑 [/i]].
不二周助 2009-8-21 01:36
回复 108#apple313 的帖子
Eva Ibbotson的链接太好了。这个适合英语比较好的5-7年级小朋友看。Eva 最有名的一本应该还是Journey to the river sea..
不二周助 2009-8-21 01:41
昨天看国外读者选的Top 100 中第一名Harry Potter第一本,第二名Twilight,第三名就是《傲慢与偏见》了,《呼啸山庄》也在前30名内,经典的书还是有市场的。
[[i] 本帖最后由 不二周助 于 2009-8-21 02:07 编辑 [/i]].
青青小白杨 2009-8-21 08:51
我来补充 [url][/url] 一楼的MP3的地址,大家看看还能下吗
[[i] 本帖最后由 青青小白杨 于 2009-8-21 08:56 编辑 [/i]].
apple313 2009-8-21 09:20
[quote]原帖由 [i]不二周助[/i] 于 2009-8-21 01:36 发表 [url=][img][/img][/url]
Eva Ibbotson的链接太好了。这个适合英语比较好的5-7年级小朋友看。Eva 最有名的一本应该还是Journey to the river sea. [/quote][em11] 谢谢不二[em01]喜欢Eva bbotson《Journey to the river sea》,所以这本书放在106楼首推[em08].
apple313 2009-8-21 11:08
《床头灯3000》文本文件下载 [url][/url]
[[i] 本帖最后由 apple313 于 2009-8-21 11:17 编辑 [/i]].
apple313 2009-8-21 11:10
回复 128#青青小白杨 的帖子
青青小白杨 2009-8-21 12:46
回复 131#apple313 的帖子
[em03] 哈哈,感觉真好,我还是第一次收到花[em07].
NAUGHTY 2009-8-21 15:05
回复 128#青青小白杨 的帖子 回复 130#apple313 的帖子
下载了[em01] 谢谢LZ和青青小白杨爱心奉献[em08] 送花了.
apple313 2009-8-21 17:03
请尽快下载《Bedtime Reading》.床头灯.III. 文本文件
Eva2009 2009-8-21 17:34
PATTISON 2009-8-21 20:15
Hey guys
Some really nice stuff ur puttin' up there.
I got some books of my own that i'd like to share with y'all
So listen up.
First of all the Wolf Brothers series,
It's a series written by Michelle Pavor which takes us back to the ancient times, when dark magic and soul eaters existed.
I'd like everyone to take a look at The Alchemist by Paul Coelho (blahh, hard to pronounce)
It's an inspiring story which tells the adventures of a young boy trying to fulfill his destiny, but learns the ways of the world, the natural laws, and even how to communicate with everything around him, including the hand that made it all. Very good book. Must read classic.
The Giver
It is an interesting tale of the future. It's protagonist is a boy named Jonas. The story is about him and his adventure after he was entitled the receiver of memory. This is a very short book but you can read it over and over again as you get older, and it would become more meaningful after each time
That's it for today
Goodnight folks
[[i] 本帖最后由 PATTISON 于 2009-8-21 20:23 编辑 [/i]].
apple313 2009-8-21 21:55
回复 136#PATTISON 的帖子
Thanks for sharing![em08].
apple313 2009-8-21 22:12
回复 135#Eva2009 的帖子
NAUGHTY 2009-8-21 22:28
回复 136#PATTISON 的帖子
Thanks a lot! :handshake Paulo Coelho is my favorite writer.:hug:.
angelaqiu 2009-8-21 22:45
bang_bang 2009-8-22 07:38
vivianda 2009-8-22 11:04
apple313 2009-8-22 13:55
回复 142#vivianda 的帖子
When we rejoice in our fullness, then we can part with our fruits with joy..
apple313 2009-8-22 14:39
Paulo Coelho
《The Alchemis.》 《THE Devil AND Miss Prym》
[attach]359520[/attach] [attach]359521[/attach].
不二周助 2009-8-22 15:12
回复 136#PATTISON 的帖子
谢谢推荐。看过The Giver。Paul Coelho考虑买本看看。
[[i] 本帖最后由 不二周助 于 2009-8-22 15:15 编辑 [/i]].
tracy2006 2009-8-22 15:38
回复 144#apple313 的帖子
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PATTISON 2009-8-22 17:26
是我儿子推荐的。 他说的这几本是国外小学5年级看的,老师告诉他们这几本书随着他们年龄的增长,每次看每次都会有不同的感受, 确实是这样的。 他前一阵又看了
The ALchemist, 我们去书城找过中文版的炼金术士, 听书城工作人员说前几年作者来书城签售过书, 可惜书城已经没有那本书了, 后来在网上买到的中文版。.
哈里老妈 2009-8-22 20:43
回复 144#apple313 的帖子
花花送到手酸[em08] [em08] [em08].
Marry妈妈 2009-8-23 08:59
[em01] [em01] [em01] [em03] [em03] [em03].
不二周助 2009-8-23 10:36
女孩子看英语漫画,NANCY DREW(Graphic Novel)
NAUGHTY 2009-8-24 16:19
这么多好看的书呀[em03] 谢谢各位妈妈推荐[em01].
云雀 2009-8-24 16:49
哈里老妈 2009-8-24 20:12
回复 152#云雀 的帖子
不二周助 2009-8-24 20:22
[quote]原帖由 [i]云雀[/i] 于 2009-8-24 16:49 发表 [url=][img][/img][/url]
苹果为孩子课外读物添砖加瓦,阿拉为苹果添花加花。[tt8] [/quote]
apple313 2009-8-24 23:11
[[i] 本帖最后由 apple313 于 2009-8-24 23:13 编辑 [/i]].
mimi爸 2009-8-25 15:38
anita_xu妈妈 2009-8-25 15:45
回复 156#mimi爸 的帖子
Wayside School系列,共3本。
The Sideways Stories From Wayside School series is a popular series of 3 books by Louis Sachar. Sideways Stories From Wayside School, Wayside School Is Falling Down and Wayside School Gets A Little Stranger are the three novel-length books. The books tell many stories of a school built as a tower 30 stories high, with one room per story, but with no 19th story. Each book contains 30 chapters, called stories, complementing the 30 stories in the school..
mimi爸 2009-8-25 15:59
回复 157#anita_xu妈妈 的帖子
apple313 2009-8-25 18:18
[size=4][i]The Adventures of Tintin[/i][/size]
[attach]361355[/attach] [attach]361356[/attach] [attach]361362[/attach] [attach]361364[/attach] [attach]361365[/attach] [attach]361363[/attach]
[[i] 本帖最后由 apple313 于 2009-8-25 18:21 编辑 [/i]].
NAUGHTY 2009-8-26 01:01
Double Seventh Festival
不二周助 2009-8-26 07:15
[[i] 本帖最后由 不二周助 于 2009-8-27 06:07 编辑 [/i]].
xuyun 2009-8-26 10:01
回复 61#apple313 的帖子
请问你有暮光之城的英文版电子书吗 我看了这部片子 非常喜欢 但我觉得中文书翻得不是很好.
云雀 2009-8-26 11:06
katheline 2009-8-26 11:54
阅读有方向了,谢谢各位![em01] [em04].
Sally妈妈 2009-8-26 11:59
shuaishuaimm 2009-8-26 14:28
shuaishuaimm 2009-8-26 14:29
回复 128#青青小白杨 的帖子
vivianda 2009-8-26 16:09
ostrichbaby 2009-8-26 19:43
回复 162#xuyun 的帖子
问思小兵 2009-8-26 19:48
*** 该贴被屏蔽 ***
apple313 2009-8-27 00:08
回复 166#shuaishuaimm 的帖子
谢谢LD出手不凡[em03] 魔术手哇 [em15] 今年暑假在LD咯领导下收获大大的[em01].
apple313 2009-8-27 00:12
回复 168#vivianda 的帖子
欢迎草菲诗仙姐姐来作客[em03] 留下美图[em01].
不二周助 2009-8-27 05:32
[size=3]1.Harry Potter Series-[i]J.K. Rowling
[/i]2.Twilight-[i]Stephenie Meyer
[/i]3.Magician-[i]Raymond E Feist
[/i]4.The Obernewtyn chronicles-[i]Isobelle Carmody
[/i]5.Eragon-[i]Christopher Paolini
[/i]6.The Mists of Avalon-[i]Marion Zimmer Bradley
[/i]7.The Host-[i]Stephenie Meyer
[/i]8.Eldest-[i]Christopher Paolini
[/i]9.American Gods-[i]Neil Gaiman
[/i]10.Wicked-[i]Gregory Maguire[/i][/size]
[[i] 本帖最后由 不二周助 于 2009-8-27 06:27 编辑 [/i]].
不二周助 2009-8-27 05:39
1.Breath-[i]Tim winton
[/i]2.The Kite Runner-[i]Khaled Hosseini
[/i]3.Fight Club-[i]Chuck Palahniuk[/i]
4.Memories of a Geisha-[i]Arthur Golden[/i]
5.The lovely Bones-[i]Alice Sebold
[/i]6.The Time Traveler's Wife-[i]Audrey Niffenegger
[/i]7.A Thousand Splendid Suns-[i]Khaled Hosseini
[/i]8.The Other Boleyn Girl-[i]Phillipa Gregory
[/i]9.Atonement-[i]Ian McEwan
[/i]10.Shantaram-[i]Gregory David Roberts[/i][/size]
[[i] 本帖最后由 不二周助 于 2009-8-27 06:22 编辑 [/i]].
不二周助 2009-8-27 05:40
1.My Sister's Keeper-[i]Jodi Picoult
[/i]2.The Power of One-[i]Bryce Courtenay
[/i]3.The Bronze Horseman-[i]Paullina simons[/i]
4.antony & Cleopatra-[i]Colleen McCulloch
[/i]5.Nineteen Minutes-[i]Jodi Picoult
[/i]6.The Pact-[i]Jodi Picoult
[/i]7.Jessica-[i]Bryce Courtenay
[/i]8.Tully-[i]Paullina Simons
[/i]9.Five People you will meet in Heaven-[i]Mitch Albom[/i][/size]
[[i] 本帖最后由 不二周助 于 2009-8-27 06:23 编辑 [/i]].
不二周助 2009-8-27 05:40
1.Pillars of the Earth-[i]Ken Follett
[/i]2.Ice Station-[i]Matthew Reilly
[/i]3.Seven Ancient Wonders-[i]Matthew Reilly
[/i]4.Six Sacred Stones-[i]Matthew Reilly
[/i]5.Brother Odd-[i]Dean Koontz
[/i]6.IT-[i]Stephen King
[/i]7.World Without End-[i]Ken Follett[/i][/size]
[[i] 本帖最后由 不二周助 于 2009-8-27 06:24 编辑 [/i]].
不二周助 2009-8-27 05:41
1.Break No Bones-[i]Kathy Reichs[/i]
2.Cross-[i]James Patterson
[/i]3.Lean Mean Thirteen -[i]Janet Evanovich[/i]
4.All that Remains-[i]Patricia Cornwell
[/i]5.Darkly Dreaming Dexter-[i]Jeff Lindsay
[/i]6.The woods-[i]Harlan Coben[/i][/size]
[[i] 本帖最后由 不二周助 于 2009-8-27 06:24 编辑 [/i]].
不二周助 2009-8-27 05:42
1.Mao's Last Dancer-[i]Li Cunxin
[/i]2.Marley and Me-[i]John Grogan
[/i]3.April Fools Day-[i]Bryce Courtenay
[/i]4.In My Skin-[i]Kate Holden
[/i]5.Running with Scissors-[i]Augusten Burroughs[/i][/size]
[[i] 本帖最后由 不二周助 于 2009-8-27 06:25 编辑 [/i]].
不二周助 2009-8-27 05:43
1.The Secret-[i]Rhonda Byrne
[/i]2.A New Earth-[i]Eckhart Tolle
[/i]3.The Alchemist-[i]Paulo Coelho
[/i]4.The Last Lecture-[i]Randy Pausch[/i][/size]
[[i] 本帖最后由 不二周助 于 2009-8-27 06:25 编辑 [/i]].
不二周助 2009-8-27 06:03
1.Pride and Prejudice-[i]Jane Austen[/i]
2.To Kill a Mockingbird-[i]Harper Lee[/i]
3.Persuasion-[i]Jane Austen[/i]
4.Jane Eyer-[i]Charlotte Bronte[/i]
5.North & South-[i]Elizabeth Gaskell[/i]
6.Wuthering Heights-[i]Emily Bronte[/i]
7.Princess Bride-[i]William Goldman[/i]
8.A Tale of Two Cities-[i]Charles Dickens[/i]
9..Nineteen Eighty Four-[i]George Orwell[/i]
10.Emma-[i]Jane Austen[/i]
11.Little Woman-[i]Louisa May Alcott[/i][/size]
[[i] 本帖最后由 不二周助 于 2009-8-27 06:26 编辑 [/i]].
shuaishuaimm 2009-8-27 10:04
回复 171#apple313 的帖子
harry2186 2009-8-27 10:26
JANE-LEE 2009-8-27 12:48
回复 157#anita_xu妈妈 的帖子
献花了,[tt7] 看到作者Louis Sachar还有Marvin Redpost系列,都收藏了,儿子是入门级在看A-Z系列,这些应该也喜欢看的,虽然看的都是低年级的,只要他喜欢就好。[tt8].
JANE-LEE 2009-8-27 12:52
回复 159#apple313 的帖子
mwt5671 2009-8-28 08:44
[quote]原帖由 [i]harry2186[/i] 于 2009-8-27 10:26 发表 [url=][img][/img][/url]
我到现在还没看完一本原版小说呢 [/quote]
因为国内儿童文学的翻译作品比较老旧(可能是出于版权的考虑),除了一些非常畅销的如HP WARRIOR GOOSEBUMP等,很多作品都没有及时翻译过来,比如LEMONY SNICKY的波家孤儿,国内4、5年前翻的,只翻到第8本,原作有13本,那后面怎么样呢,孩子自然非常感兴趣。去年的畅销书GRAVEYARD,如果喜欢CORALINE(同一个作家)的孩子,肯定想看,但是国内还没有翻译,自然看原版的先睹为快了。
还有的,就是国内的一些儿童作品翻译得不好,不能体现出作品的原汁原味来,因为有的幽默是翻译不过来的。比如大家都非常推崇的可怕的科学,就是非常有名的HORRIBLE 系列,有可怕的科学,可怕的历史,可怕的地理,可怕的数学,新知,死掉的名人等很多部分构成,孩子们非常喜欢,因为行文非常生活,幽默,如果看过原版的话,就会知道,原文更加有趣,搞笑。而且很多是术语,能够知道原文怎么表达的话,是非常增加单词量的。比如最近女儿在看化学,惰性气体是NOBLE GAS,我也是刚刚知道。
[[i] 本帖最后由 mwt5671 于 2009-8-28 21:17 编辑 [/i]].
lc4601 2009-8-28 11:18
回复 185#mwt5671 的帖子
HORRIBLE 系列在哪买的.
mwt5671 2009-8-28 20:02
回复 186#lc4601 的帖子
外文书店4楼有买,也可以到AMAZON UK的网站上买,一整套的话20本,非常便宜,邮费也只按一本算,算下来比买中文书还便宜.
apple313 2009-8-29 10:28
回复 173-180#不二周助 的帖子
[em01]多谢不二提供排行榜[em15] 让大家及时了解世界同龄孩子的读书爱好[em08].
apple313 2009-8-29 10:31
回复 181#shuaishuaimm 的帖子
惭愧[em07] 大眼睛被玻璃镜挡牢了。是阿拉运道好“慧眼”识LD[em15] 收获大大的有[em16] 今后还要麻烦LD哟[em19].
apple313 2009-8-29 10:35
[quote]原帖由 [i]JANE-LEE[/i] 于 2009-8-27 12:52 发表 [url=][img][/img][/url]献花,现在只能收集低年级的。[tt9] [/quote]
得感谢旺旺她爸给大家提供这么好的平台[em01] 感谢那么多妈妈们热心推荐适合孩子们看的书籍[em08] 低年级的书还有很多的,以后慢慢上传。.
lc4601 2009-8-29 10:43
回复 187#mwt5671 的帖子
apple313 2009-8-30 14:57
[quote]原帖由 [i]xuyun[/i] 于 2009-8-26 10:01 发表 [url=][img][/img][/url]
请问你有[color=Blue][i]暮光之城的英文版电子书[/i][/color]吗 我看了这部片子 非常喜欢 但我觉得中文书翻得不是很好 [/quote][size=4][i][color=Navy]暮光之城1-5中英版本txt[/color][/i][/size].
云雀 2009-8-30 18:08
回复 192#apple313 的帖子
apple313 2009-8-30 18:56
由美国女作家斯蒂芬妮·梅尔(Stephenie Meyer)所著的扣人心弦的《暮光之城》(Twilight )惊险小说。故事描写的是中学生贝拉与青春帅气的吸血鬼爱德华的浪漫爱情故事。仅在美国本土,《暮光之城》系列的在美国销量就已超过5000万册。在世界许多国家,它也是名列榜首的畅销书。被称谓后“哈利波特时代”的魔幻巨著,成为《魔戒三部曲》《哈利波特系列》《纳尼亚传奇》《暮光之城系列》的国际魔幻系列代表.
apple313 2009-8-30 19:22
Bella Swan moves from Phoenix, Arizona, to Forks, Washington, to allow her mother, Renée, to travel with her new husband, Phil, a minor league baseball player. After moving to Forks, Bella finds herself involuntarily drawn to a mysterious, handsome boy, Edward Cullen, who turns out to be a vampire who drinks animal blood as opposed to human blood. They fall passionately in love, and must fight off a vampire from another coven who is drawn to drink Bella's blood. Bella escapes to Phoenix, Arizona, where she is tricked into confronting James, the sadistic vampire who wishes to kill her. She is mortally wounded, but Edward rescues her, and they return to Forks.
New Moon
Edward and his family leave Forks because of his belief that he is constantly endangering Bella's life. Bella falls into a deep depression, until she develops a strong friendship with werewolf Jacob Black. Jacob and the other wolves in his tribe must protect her from Victoria, an evil vampire who intends to avenge the death of James, her mate, by killing Bella. A misunderstanding occurs, and Edward is led to believe that Bella is dead. Edward decides to commit suicide in Volterra, Italy, but he is stopped by Bella and Alice. They meet with the Volturi and are released on the condition that Bella be turned into a vampire in the near future. Bella and Edward are reunited, and the Cullens return to Forks.
The vampire Victoria, James's mate from Twilight with fiery red hair, has created an army of "newborn" vampires to battle the Cullen family and kill Bella. Meanwhile, Bella is forced to choose between her relationship with Edward and her friendship with Jacob. Edward's family of vampires and Jacob's pack of werewolves join forces to successfully destroy Victoria and her army of vampires. In the end, Bella chooses Edward's love over Jacob's. Jacob is devastated to hear of Bella's choice and of her decision to become a vampire, and runs away in his wolf form.
Breaking Dawn
Bella and Edward get married, but their honeymoon is cut short by Bella's realization that she has become pregnant. Bella's pregnancy progresses extremely quickly and makes her very weak. She nearly dies while giving birth to her and Edward's half-vampire-half-human daughter, Renesmee, but Edward injects Bella with his venom to save her life by turning her into a vampire. A vampire from another coven sees Renesmee and mistakes her for an "immortal child", the existence of which violates vampire rules, and informs the Volturi. The Cullens gather vampire witnesses who can verify that the child is not one of the immortal children. The Cullens and their witnesses convince the Volturi that Renesmee is not a danger to vampires or their secret, and they are left in peace..
apple313 2009-8-30 19:24
《暮光之城》(The Twilight Saga)1-4 [MP3] 及电子书下载地址:
云雀 2009-8-31 08:09
apple313 2009-8-31 09:13
回复 197#云雀 的帖子
云雀 2009-8-31 09:26
回复 198#apple313 的帖子
apple313 2009-8-31 13:28
回复 199#云雀 的帖子
你试试这个下载地址: JAR [url][/url]
PDF [url][/url].
apple313 2009-8-31 13:33
原声大碟 -《暮光之城豪华版》(Twilight)[MP3]
1. Supermassive Black Hole (Muse)
2. Decode (Paramore)
3. Full Moon (The Black Ghosts)
4. Leave Out All The Rest (Linkin Park)
5. Spotlight(Twilight Mix) (MuteMath)
6. Go All The Way (Into The Twilight) (Perry Farrell)
7. Tremble for My Beloved (Collective Soul)
8. I Caught Myself (Paramore)
9. Eyes On Fire (Blue Foundation)
10. Never Think (Rob Pattinson)
11. Flightless Bird, American Mouth (Iron & Wine)
12. Bella's Lullaby (Carter Burwell)
13. Love Is Worth The Fall (O.A.R.)
14. Decode (Acoustic) (Paramore)
15. Flightless Bird, American Mouth (Live) (Iron & Wine)
16. Spotlight (Sun Lux Remix) (MuteMath)
17. Full Moon (Applebum and Komonazmuk Remix) (The Black Ghosts)
云雀 2009-8-31 13:54
[quote]原帖由 [i]apple313[/i] 于 2009-8-31 13:28 发表 [url=][img][/img][/url]
你试试这个下载地址: JAR [url][/url]
PDF [url][/url] ... [/quote]
小机灵鱼妈妈 2009-8-31 14:55
回复 22#apple313 的帖子
我孩子现在小学5年级,适合的外文书籍有哪些/[tt7] [tt7].
apple313 2009-8-31 15:57
回复 203#小机灵鱼妈妈 的帖子
参考 [url][/url]
NAUGHTY 2009-8-31 23:12
[quote]原帖由 [i]apple313[/i] 于 2009-8-30 19:24 发表 [url=][img][/img][/url]《暮光之城》(The Twilight Saga)1-4 [MP3] 及电子书下载地址:[url][/url] [/quote]先看再听,MP3有声读物有助提高听说能力:handshake.
哈里老妈 2009-9-1 07:44
[em01] [em08] [em15].
apple313 2009-9-1 10:36
回复 206#哈里老妈 的帖子
SG开学侬阿早起咯;P 比小鸟还早:victory:.
哈里老妈 2009-9-1 10:42
回复 207#apple313 的帖子
apple313 2009-9-1 10:48
回复 208#哈里老妈 的帖子
开学综合症:Q 好好休息:hug: .
apple313 2009-9-1 11:05
[quote]原帖由 [i]qiaoqiao[/i] 于 2009-9-1 发表 [url=][img][/img][/url]正想请教,这些书的MP3朗读是随书配的吗? [/quote]这里有部份外文书籍的MP3下载地址,你先试试:hug:.
NAUGHTY 2009-9-1 17:18
哈里老妈 2009-9-1 19:32
回复 209#apple313 的帖子
哈里老妈 2009-9-1 19:32
回复 211#NAUGHTY 的帖子
NAUGHTY 2009-9-2 09:39
回复 213#哈里老妈 的帖子
对,大人小孩一起收骨头:Q 不过,小孩暑假没看完的课外书偶可以先睹为快了:lol.
哈里老妈 2009-9-2 09:47
回复 214#NAUGHTY 的帖子
与时俱进,[em16] [em08].
apple313 2009-9-2 11:40
回复 215#哈里老妈 的帖子
哈里老妈 2009-9-2 11:46
回复 216#apple313 的帖子
apple313 2009-9-2 12:12
回复 217#哈里老妈 的帖子
[attach]366166[/attach] [attach]366170[/attach]
[attach]366167[/attach] [attach]366168[/attach] [attach]366169[/attach].
apple313 2009-9-2 15:22
[quote]原帖由 [i]NAUGHTY[/i] 于 2009-9-2 09:39 发表 [url=][img][/img][/url]对,大人小孩一起收骨头:Q 不过,小孩暑假没看完的课外书偶可以[color=Red]先睹为快[/color]了:lol [/quote] 咔油[em18] 向你学习[em06].
哈里老妈 2009-9-3 12:23
回复 218#apple313 的帖子
NAUGHTY 2009-9-3 13:35
回复 219#apple313 的帖子
互勉:loveliness: :handshake.
apple313 2009-9-3 14:34
回复 220#哈里老妈 的帖子
心动不如行动哈;P 就当是他要买的:lol.
哈里老妈 2009-9-4 08:24
回复 222#apple313 的帖子
apple313 2009-9-4 08:44
回复 223#哈里老妈 的帖子
哈里老妈 2009-9-4 08:46
回复 224#apple313 的帖子
apple313 2009-9-4 08:54
回复 225#哈里老妈 的帖子
佳佳的妈咪 2009-9-4 09:13
*** 该贴被屏蔽 ***
apple313 2009-9-4 09:23
回复 227#佳佳的妈咪 的帖子
shuaishuaimm 2009-9-4 11:53
回复 121#H爸 的帖子
云雀 2009-9-4 11:59
[quote]原帖由 [i]H爸[/i] 于 2009-8-20 17:04 发表 [url=][img][/img][/url]
叫大姐蛮合适,也有特殊含义。:P [/quote]
哈里老妈 2009-9-4 12:12
回复 229#shuaishuaimm 的帖子
哈里老妈 2009-9-4 12:13
回复 230#云雀 的帖子
云雀 2009-9-4 13:17
回复 232#哈里老妈 的帖子
apple313 2009-9-4 13:18
哈里老妈 2009-9-4 13:19
回复 233#云雀 的帖子
云雀 2009-9-4 13:21
回复 235#哈里老妈 的帖子
NAUGHTY 2009-9-4 15:07
apple313 2009-9-4 16:16
[quote]原帖由 [i]NAUGHTY[/i] 于 2009-9-4 15:07 发表 [url=][img][/img][/url]你们在对接头暗号[tt36] [/quote]LD、哈妈、小鸟、小薇、小妖和偶交流都有秘语的[em16] 想加入吗?[em04].
vivianda 2009-9-4 16:56
回复 218#apple313 的帖子
vivianda 2009-9-4 16:58
回复 233#云雀 的帖子 回复 235#哈里老妈 的帖子
shuaishuaimm 2009-9-4 18:43
回复 239#vivianda 的帖子
怪不得讲侬妖呀 ,天天过28岁喔。[tt24].
apple313 2009-9-4 21:46
回复 239#vivianda 的帖子 回复 241#shuaishuaimm 的帖子
西厢记里唱过“小女子年方二八”[tt30] 羡慕ing~~~~~~~~~~~~~~年年二八[tt9].
apple313 2009-9-4 21:49
[quote]原帖由 [i]vivianda[/i] 于 2009-9-4 16:58 发表 [url=][img][/url]自从有了金刚狼的雅号,人家就不来玩儿了 [/quote]欢迎新朋友[tt1] 不忘老朋友[tt32] 旧的不去新的不来[tt37].
vivianda 2009-9-4 21:54
回复 241#shuaishuaimm 的帖子
apple313 2009-9-5 13:19
回复 244#vivianda 的帖子
真实的谎言[tt17] 长江后浪推前浪,青出于篮胜于篮[tt23].
NAUGHTY 2009-9-5 14:28
回复 238#apple313 的帖子
apple313 2009-9-6 10:31
回复 246#NAUGHTY 的帖子
shuaishuaimm 2009-9-7 15:16
回复 246#NAUGHTY 的帖子
云雀 2009-9-8 10:05
回复 218#apple313 的帖子
NAUGHTY 2009-9-8 23:24
回复 apple313 的帖子 回复 不二周助 的帖子
刚开学作业不算多,还有时间看看外文原版小说,[em16] 请问LZ和不二周助等热心妈妈还有更新的原版外文书籍介绍吗?[em19].
apple313 2009-9-9 09:21
[quote]原帖由 [i]云雀[/i] 于 2009-9-8 10:05 发表 [url=][img][/img]/url]
看图就蛮有吸引力哦,有链接伐? [/quote]回到17岁 (17 Again)[url][/url] 剧情介绍:中年男子迈克一事无成,沮丧的他回到高中,追忆自己曾经的辉煌。在那里,他遇到了一个神秘看门人,随后发现自己回到了17岁。.
apple313 2009-9-9 09:52
电影《回到17岁》 (17 Again)适合成人看,回忆年轻时候的你。.
apple313 2009-9-10 09:25
突然发现电影《回到17岁》的介绍发错地方了[tt35] 对不住了[tt7].
apple313 2009-9-10 09:26
lenovour 2009-9-11 22:33
Moonwalk is a memorable journey to the very heart and soul of a modern musical genius[attach]371384[/attach].
apple313 2009-9-12 19:49
回复 255#lenovour 的帖子
MJ[tt22] 奇才.
NAUGHTY 2009-9-14 14:45
[quote]原帖由 [i]lenovour[/i] 于 2009-9-11 22:33 发表 [url=][img][/img][/url]
Moonwalk is a memorable journey to the very heart and soul of a modern musical genius371384 [/quote]
MJ 迷不少呀:handshake 现在国外的小孩子也痴迷MJ的音乐风格:).
apple313 2009-9-30 09:22
National Day
On December 2, 1948, the Central People's government to accept the fourth meeting of the CPPCC National Committee's recommendations, adopted the "National Day of the People's Republic of China on the resolution" to decide annually on October 1, the People's Republic of China was proclaimed great day for the People's Republic of China - Day.
On October 1, 1949 after the founding of People's Republic of China, the celebration of National Day After has changed.
In the early years of New China (1950-1959), the annual National Day celebrations were held in large, the military parade held at the same time. In September 1960, the CPC Central Committee and the State Council in the founding principle of diligence, decided to reform the system of the National Day. Thereafter, since 1960-70, the annual National Day were held in Tiananmen Square before a grand rally and the parade, but did not hold a parade.
From 1971 to 1983, the annual October 1, Beijing is a large garden and other forms of activities to celebrate the National Day celebration, not for the parade. In 1984, the 35th anniversary of National Day, held a grand celebration of the National Day military parade and mass procession. Within the next 10 years, other forms are used to celebrate the National Day, not to be held to celebrate the National Day parade and procession. On October 1, 1999, the 50th anniversary, held a grand celebration of the National Day military parade and mass procession. This is the People's Republic of China in the 20th century at the last grand National Day celebrations.
Since the founding of new China in the National Day celebrations were conducted at 13 military parade. Respectively from 1949 to 1959 among 11th and 35th National Day anniversary in 1984, in 1999 the 50th anniversary of the two.
National Day as a modern nation-state characteristics, is accompanied by the emergence of modern nation states emerged, and has become particularly important. It became an independent country signs, reflecting the country's state system and polity.
National Day to commemorate this special way once a new, full of festive form, it carries reflect this country and the nation, cohesive function. While the National Day celebrations on a large scale, but also for mobilization and a concrete manifestation of appeal. Show of force, enhance national confidence and cohesion of play appeal, which is the National Day celebrations in three basic characteristics..
apple313 2009-9-30 09:30
[color=Red][size=7][i]National Day[/i][/size][/color][attach]380369[/attach].
NAUGHTY 2009-9-30 10:32
回复 258#apple313 的帖子
apple313 2009-9-30 11:37
National Day
Ha, motherland, you are like one fan of leaf hope and drove from the republic founded a nation the long long gun salute voice of big dian;drove from mt. Heaven the foot hot tile just with the three-stringed piano moving musical sound;drove from the yellow river aroused a more rising big wave voice and ten thousand precinct chief, river, the ship work number son voice of the male hun;the absolute being state no.5 cosmos airship that embarked from yang li wei of aerospace hero roamed about at pleasure to drive in the good news of space;blue print and country that developed from reform in the city wealthy civilization fantasy drove in the song.hence, I see the spring breeze blow into a hundred million happy doors and windows, heard"the story in spring" resounding through china the earth.The broad sea jiang flies fast heroic war boat, western backland again teng rise hurtle the rocket in sky.It was glorious in the boundless process of half several centuries, there is frustrate.the chinese of diligence braveness leader in 3 and under the party central leadership, unity of will is a formidable force, overcome all difficulties, with tremendous passionate devotion economic development of"develop china, strengthen my national prestige".history tells us and tells future, deng xiaoping's construction contains the socialism theories of chinese special feature and is like the rich brocade future prospects that the lighthouse illuminates a motherland, the party is central the jian being leading people of the whole country effort go "three representatives"s, with accompany into, constuct middle-class family completely society, head for fine future.
[url][/url] .
云雀 2009-9-30 12:23
回复 259#apple313 的帖子
水云思 2009-9-30 14:28
作 者: (印度)泰戈尔 等著,徐翰林,艾梅 等译
出 版 社: 哈尔滨出版社
I S B N : 20657273
所属分类: 图书 >> 外语 >> 英语读物 >> 英汉对照
apple313 2009-9-30 15:31
回复 263#水云思 的帖子
谢谢推荐[tt7] 泰戈尔的作品博大精深,其为人具有慈善仁爱的胸怀和独特的人格魅力,赢得了无数人的景仰。
[i]Man is a child,his power is the power of growth.[/i] [tt0]
apple313 2009-9-30 16:15
所属分类: 图书 >> 中小学教辅 >> 拓展读物
云雀 2009-9-30 16:39
apple313 2009-9-30 17:10
——著名学者 孙郁.
hance 2009-9-30 17:50
回复 252#apple313 的帖子
apple313 2009-9-30 22:37
回复 268#hance 的帖子
双刃剑呀:Q 就看观众从何角度去理解电影了。怎样引导孩子树立“正确”的恋爱观有待交流:lol 。.
水云思 2009-10-2 15:22
回复 268#hance 的帖子
apple313 2009-10-3 11:10
Mid-autumn Festival
NAUGHTY 2009-10-6 13:33
作 者: 艾柯 编译
出 版 社: 天津教育出版社
所属分类: 图书 >> 外语 >> 英语读物 >> 英汉对照
如果你是一名大、中学生,阅读本书可以提高人文素养,开阔视野,陶冶情操。 如果你是一位英语爱好者,阅读本书可以一睹这些佳作的原文风采。 如果你是一位翻译爱好者,阅读本书可以将原文和译文对比推敲,欣赏佳译。 如果你是一名文学爱好者,阅读本书可以从优美的文字中感受最真挚、最纯洁的感情,从而思索生命的意义。本套书包括:《美丽英文:别停下来生命的脚步》、《感动一个国家的文字》、《一只狗狗的告白》、《做自己想做的人》、《在生命的拐弯处》、《生活是一种态度》、《给心灵留个出口》、《送你一朵爱的花》、《生命中最美丽的瞬间》、《穿过指缝的阳光》。
[attach]382174[/attach] [attach]382175[/attach] [attach]382176[/attach] [attach]382177[/attach] [attach]382178[/attach] [attach]382179[/attach].
哈里老妈 2009-10-6 16:28
回复 272#NAUGHTY 的帖子
谢谢淘妈,看封面就嗲额,献花花[em08] [em08] [em08].
apple313 2009-10-7 11:26
回复 272#NAUGHTY 的帖子
英文版的心灵鸡汤,一举两得[em03] 谢谢淘淘妈推荐[em01] [em08].
NAUGHTY 2009-10-8 10:17
回复 273#哈里老妈 的帖子
偶是先看了中文[tt3] 英文留给孩子学习[tt39].
哈里老妈 2009-10-8 21:53
[quote]原帖由 [i]NAUGHTY[/i] 于 2009-10-8 10:17 发表 [url=][img][/img][/url]
偶是先看了中文[tt3] 英文留给孩子学习[tt39] [/quote]
NAUGHTY 2009-10-9 11:48
回复 276#哈里老妈 的帖子
大学六级英文大部分还给老师了 :L[tt3] [em07].
哈里老妈 2009-10-9 21:21
回复 277#NAUGHTY 的帖子
NAUGHTY 2009-10-10 10:38
回复 278#哈里老妈 的帖子
apple313 2009-10-10 13:32
回复 279#NAUGHTY 的帖子
NAUGHTY 2009-10-10 23:44
回复 280#apple313 的帖子
呵呵,好开朗的苹果[tt9] 王洛宾的歌朴实无华,喜欢这句“太阳下山明早依旧爬上来,花儿谢了明天还是一样的开。”青春虽逝去,但我们要珍惜现在拥有的每一天!
BTW,小鸟飞去哪里了[tt36] 小鸟不是云雀吗[tt27].
apple313 2009-10-11 21:22
回复 281#NAUGHTY 的帖子
哈里老妈 2009-10-12 13:20
回复 280#apple313 的帖子
哈里老妈 2009-10-12 13:23
回复 281#NAUGHTY 的帖子
apple313 2009-10-12 18:16
[quote]原帖由 [i]哈里老妈[/i] 于 2009-10-12 13:20 发表 [url=][img][/img][/url]哦哟,吃不消侬,动作哈多,跟一个 [/quote]侬更加结棍,赤膊上阵了哈;P.
哈里老妈 2009-10-12 19:28
回复 285#apple313 的帖子
NAUGHTY 2009-10-12 23:54
[quote]原帖由 [i]哈里老妈[/i] 于 2009-10-12 13:23 发表 [url=][img][/img][/url]伊拉讲老王是骗子:
当初,人家修路工人都找不到老婆结婚,结果老王写了首《达坂城的姑娘》。路很快修到了达坂城。一看不是港大就是痴呆,买糕的![em17] 。。。。。。 [/quote][em09] 《达坂城的姑娘》 是王洛宾在兰州整理编曲的第一首维吾尔族民歌,也是现代中国第一首汉语译配的维吾尔民歌。
哈里老妈 2009-10-13 07:07
回复 287#NAUGHTY 的帖子
NAUGHTY 2009-10-13 11:09
回复 288#哈里老妈 的帖子
打住[attach]387477[/attach]楼歪了哈, 当心LZ下逐客令哟...............[tt37].
apple313 2009-10-13 12:00
回复 287#NAUGHTY 的帖子 回复 288#哈里老妈 的帖子
水云思 2009-10-13 16:38
回复 290#apple313 的帖子
LZ不用着急[tt14] 偶来“拨乱反正”[tt26].
水云思 2009-10-13 16:53
[i]20,000 lieues sous les mers
Around the World in 80 Days
Courier of the Czar
Eight Hundred Leagues on the Amazon[/i]
水云思 2009-10-13 17:02
[i]Five Weeks In A Balloon
From the Earth to the Moon
Hector Servadac
Journey to the Center of the Earth[/i]
水云思 2009-10-13 17:04
[i]Master of the World
The Children of Captain Grant
The Mysterious Island
The Underground City[/i]
水云思 2009-10-13 17:09
[i]Two Years Holiday
Measure the Meridian
Family without a Name
NAUGHTY 2009-10-13 17:14
回复 292#水云思 的帖子
Thanks [tt42] [tt42] [tt42].
云雀 2009-10-13 22:09
回复 295#水云思 的帖子
水云思 2009-10-14 16:25
回复 297#云雀 的帖子
Thanks a lot [tt42] Fighting ! [tt8].
云雀 2009-10-14 19:59
Fighting !:lol.
水云思 2009-10-15 12:27
Form is in Matter, rhythm in Force, meaning in the Person..
水云思 2009-10-19 13:16
When we rejoice in our fullness, then we can part with our fruits with joy..
水云思 2009-10-19 13:43
VOA慢速英语(VOA Special English)、[天籁歌曲]、[有声读物]、[英文广播剧]、[英语书屋]、[英语学林]、[英语演讲]、[影视追踪]、[听力下载]......
哈里老妈 2009-10-20 07:54
回复 295#水云思 的帖子
楼正啦!要不推荐你去给比萨斜塔的修复出出主意[em16] [em08].
云雀 2009-10-20 13:34
[quote]原帖由 [i]apple313[/i] 于 2009-10-11 21:22 发表 [url=][img][/img][/url]
小鸟飞去高中圈了386396 [/quote]
水云思 2009-10-20 16:45
回复 303#哈里老妈 的帖子
馊主意[tt10] 比萨斜塔因斜而著名的[tt26].
哈里老妈 2009-10-20 21:51
回复 305#水云思 的帖子
哈里老妈 2009-10-20 21:53
回复 304#云雀 的帖子
apple313 2009-10-21 11:30
回复 306#哈里老妈 的帖子
Attention! [attach]392068[/attach] Don't tilt the house again! Stop![attach]392067[/attach].
哈里老妈 2009-10-21 12:18
回复 308#apple313 的帖子
apple313 2009-10-21 12:34
回复 309#哈里老妈 的帖子
Darling, I really admire you.[tt42].
哈里老妈 2009-10-21 13:01
回复 310#apple313 的帖子
云雀 2009-10-21 13:48
水云思 2009-10-21 17:28
回复 306#哈里老妈 的帖子
花花收下[em01] 还要哈妈的推荐书[em19]
[[i] 本帖最后由 水云思 于 2009-10-21 17:30 编辑 [/i]].
哈里老妈 2009-10-21 21:16
回复 313#水云思 的帖子
[em07] 书到用时方恨少,偶只好PPMP,送花花把侬[em16].
水云思 2009-10-22 11:33
The roots below the earth claim no rewards for making the branches fruitful..
水云思 2009-10-27 12:32
Stray birds of summer come to my window to sing and fly away. And yellow leaves of autumn, which have no songs, flutter and fall there with a sigh..
水云思 2009-10-29 15:18
If you shut your door to all errors ruth will be shut out..
水云思 2009-11-2 16:44
[attach]399188[/attach] [attach]399189[/attach] [attach]399190[/attach] [attach]399191[/attach].
水云思 2009-11-2 16:47
[attach]399192[/attach] [attach]399193[/attach] [attach]399194[/attach].
apple313 2009-11-3 15:53
[quote]原帖由 [i]水云思[/i] 于 2009-11-2 16:44 发表 [url=][img][/img][/url]《外语E天下》下载地址:[url][/url] 399188 399189 399190 399191 [/quote]谢谢推介[tt7] 这好像是新刊,先看看适合几年级学生阅读[tt39].
水云思 2009-11-11 14:53
It is a shame for the soul to be first to give way in this life, when thy body does not give way.[tt35].
apple313 2009-11-11 20:11
回复 321#水云思 的帖子
We really tried ! [tt3].
NAUGHTY 2009-11-13 15:46
回复 321#水云思 的帖子
这好象是沉思录中的语句[tt36] 感悟人生~~~~~~.
水云思 2009-11-16 16:12
Complete Nonsense --Edward Lear
The Owl and the Pussy-Cat, Calico Pie and The Pobble Who Has No Toes, together with Edward Lear's crazy limericks, have entertained adults and children alike for over 100 years. This edition, illustrated by the author, contains all the verse and stories of The Book of Nonsense, More Nonsense, Nonsense Songs, Nonsense Stories and Nonsense Alphabets and Nonsense Cookery. It has a biographical Preface by Lear himself, and concludes with some delightful 'heraldic' sketches of his cat, Foss..
水云思 2009-11-16 16:12
apple313 2009-11-16 16:35
Complete Nonsense (Wordsworth Children's Classics)(一派胡言)
[quote]原帖由 [i]水云思[/i] 于 2009-11-16 16:12 发表 [url=][img][/img][/url]Complete Nonsense --Edward Lear
The Owl and the Pussy-Cat, Calico Pie and The Pobble Who Has No Toes, together with Edward Lear's crazy limericks, have entertained adults and children alike for over 100 years. This edition, ... [/quote]《一派胡言》书中多是些谐趣诗,一个个有趣的小故事,读起来琅琅上口,让孩子更容易亲近诗歌。.
不二周助 2009-11-16 18:14
最近想买的新书中有一本是 3 Willows: The Sisterhood Grows
apple313 2009-11-17 10:43
回复 327#不二周助 的帖子
请问不二妹妹哪个出版社的[i]SHERLOCK HOLMES[/i(]福尔摩斯)英文原版书比较好呀?
作 者: Arthur Conan Doyle 著 出 版 社: [color=Blue]进E[/color]
[attach]407177[/attach] [attach]407178[/attach].
水云思 2009-11-17 17:04
[quote]原帖由 [i]apple313[/i] 于 2009-11-16 16:35 发表 [url=][img][/img][/url]《一派胡言》书中多是些谐趣诗,一个个有趣的小故事,读起来琅琅上口,让孩子更容易亲近诗歌。 [/quote]是的,和孩子一起阅读很有趣[tt32].
NAUGHTY 2010-1-1 14:08
Happy new year
apple313 2010-1-3 16:40
vivianda 2010-1-3 20:28
回复 251#apple313 的帖子
apple313 2010-1-4 11:23
回复 332#vivianda 的帖子
fanny妈妈 2010-2-2 09:09
还是冰冰 2010-2-26 16:08
有好东西可看了 收藏
有更新的话记得再贴上啊 [em19].
土人 2010-6-10 10:48
好帖子 ,顶上来。.
ninimm 2011-1-24 15:12
辰妈2010 2011-1-25 14:40