珠希妈妈 2007-9-19 20:51
哪里有朵拉里面那种big pinata卖??--找到了,太贵了
女儿很喜欢,想作为生日party的一个节目,里面放些小玩具,小朋友一拉,哗啦啦掉下来,然后。。。 。。。
[[i] 本帖最后由 珠希妈妈 于 2007-9-19 21:01 编辑 [/i]].
gujieyun 2007-9-19 22:26
回复 1#珠希妈妈 的帖子
珠希妈妈 2007-9-20 09:22
珠希妈妈 2007-9-20 09:24
Make a party piñata!
You will need:
Old newspapers, flour and water, a large bowl or basin, a large balloon, coloured paper (crepe paper works best) and paints, glue, a pin, sweets, a coat hanger, some thick string
What to do:
1 Tear the newspaper into strips.
2 Put a cup of flour into a basin and gradually add hot water, stirring all the time, until you have a sticky paste.
3 Blow up the balloon and rub a little bit of cooking oil all over it to make it greasy and to stop the paper sticking to it when you pop it at the end.
4 Dip the strips of paper into the paste, one at a time, and stick them in layers (at least five or six) around the balloon. Use plain white paper for the last layer you put on.
5 Leave it to dry, for several days.
6 Burst the balloon at the top and pull it out.
7 Decorate your piñata with paints and strips of crepe paper.
8 Make a small hole in the top of the piñata and fill it with wrapped sweets.
9 Make a hook in the top using the coat hanger. Hang it up using string, tied firmly to the hanger, so that the piñata doesn't fall off when it is hit!
How to play:
Take it in turns to try hitting the piñata. Each person has just one try, and must be blindfolded. Share the sweets when it bursts.